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The Pipboy Hand Question


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Hey Guys,


I know this probably was asked already, but I have had something that's annoyed be for a while now. the PipBoy hand. I can't seem to change the texture or have a costume's glove show up over the bare pipboy hand. I know it's something to do with a Patch somewhere 1.7 I think but what is the solution. I been using a glove mod to get a better looking glove but would rather go without one. Thanks

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I have removed the glove before but I still seem to get stuck with what seems to be the vanilla hand texture and not the one I use, which shows up on the other hand just not the pipboy hand. I remove both the pipboy and glove to model my retexture mod uploads on my character for images and I still have the prob. The meshes show but the proper texture doesn't. Even the skin color is off.
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Sounds like whatever mesh is being equipped doesn't have the skin shader set properly. Do you know what nif it is?



Hey Quetzlsacatanango thanks, you made me look in the right direction. Looks like I mixed two different meshes on each hand, silly me, I just extracted one set I liked from The Nexus and made sure both were replaced. Now everything is kosher. Thanks.

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