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OBSE vs NoCD Cracks


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I've spent a lot of time here lately lookin for new mods, and I can't help but notice how many modders/mod users are adamant about not using OBSE or making mods that require it. I'm not a modder, and I'm by no means an expert mod user, but I always use OBSE. Its simple to install, and it enables the use of tons of awesome mods. Am I missing something? Why not use it? I read somewhere here that OBSE can't be used with a nocd crack. Is this true? If so, thats the only reason I can think of not to use it. I generally use a nocd crack with my games, but I havent got around to looking for one for Obliv yet. If these cracks and OBSE are mutually exclusive, then I'm going with OBSE. Does anyone know for sure, one way or the other?

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OBSE cannot be used with D2D


and that is a significant reason not to use OBSE unless you need to (when writing a mod)


however talking about no-cd/dvd cracks is ban-bait


experienced users simply say NO

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Ah, d2d, is this the steam version? That makes sense. Thanks!




Regarding the cracks, frankly I dont understand the controversy. They are legal to the best of my knowledge, though using them with illegally downloaded games obviously is not. I own all my games, and have bought Obliv, FO3 and 3 copies of MW (xbox, pc, pcgoty), so Bethesdas doin alright by me. Using them is primarily a method of preserving my $50-$60 discs. I would think that even 'experienced' users would be interested in preserving their investment.


Anyway, I just couldn't understand the reluctance to use OBSE. Thanks for the info!

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The reason I prefer not to require OBSE is because if a user doesn't use OBSE, they're less likely to download my mod because of the inconvenience of installing OBSE as well. So I'd only require such things if they were completely necessary.
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