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Long range textures only


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I have downloaded many mods for improving textures and using larger ones, but I was wondering, what if someone was to replace the lowres long range textrues with the short range ones, so essentially it would be rendering full res all the time?


has anyone done it?



P.S. I know people may have a hard time running a mod like this, but I figured its worth a shot


Thanks fo looking,


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There's MTAEVWD, but it's not recommended for practical playing. 'Really Almost Everything Visible When Distant'(RAEVWD) may give you better performance than MTAEVWD, but still it can bring your machine down to its knee if your computer is 'not so good'.


**And there're several LOD replacers. Search for LOD here.



Thanks! it will be a good way to play with my new graphics card =)


ill try and see how it works today!

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