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Crash on load or new game with latest ENBseries files.


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I have a rather odd problem.

A day ago, I added a few textures and sounds manually in the game. Today, when I opened the game and tried to load a savegame, I crashed to desktop right before getting into the game, a bit after loading my save.

I tried basic troubleshooting steps - Disabling/enabling plugins one by one, but nothing worked.

I later found out that the only thing that could make the game start correctly was removing d3d9.dll from the game folder, therefore completely disabling the ENB.

If I do this, the game loads. I am located in the Warmaiden's (in Whiterun) and as soon as I try to exit, I crash on loading, once again.


I really don't understand what's going on.

Here's my modlist : http://pastebin.com/wvffFY2Y


Now, here's what I've done (but didn't work) :

-Disable/enable plugins

-Verify integrity of game cache, then cleaning my masters again

-Try to start a new game - Crash on startup

-Try to lower settings such as uGridsToLoad


Here's what I didn't do :

-Change anything significant about script-heavy mods between the period when the game was working and now

-Change my load order between the period when the game was working and now

-Change my ENB files between the period when the game was working and now


I did, however, upgrade my EVGA Precision X drivers, which broke a lot of things. However, I deleted them and rolled back to the previous version, making sure everything was just as before.

That's why I really can't tell what's happening right now.


Thank you very much for your attention and for helping.


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Any chance you also Updated your Graphics card drivers and have Nvidia?.....Part of the driver package is GeForce Experience...its giving a lot of people problems...Uninstall Experience.


IF not , post a bit about the System you are using.


Ah, yes. I forgot to mention this.

GFE was giving me trouble a while ago, error messages but no crashes. I did delete it a while back.

Here's my system, everything is up to date :

i7 4770k - 4.6Ghz

Asrock Z87 Killer

16GB of DDR3 RAM @2133Mhz

EVGA GeForce GTX 770 Cassified 4GB

2x 120GB PNY XLR8 SSDs in Raid 0 (the game is on them).

And other stuff that doesn't matter like my 1TB hard drive for other stuff and my TX750M.

I'm using Windows 7 Pro, 64bits version.


I am still using the latest drivers for my 770, but I've updated a few weeks ago and it was working fine.


Also, thanks a lot for the quick answer.

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