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Steampunk Oblivion - Recruiting


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I am very interested in seeing this mod upon completion, if i had any experience modding i would try and help, but as of yet i have no experience other than installing the mods and playing them. This will be a most excellent Mod n my opinion cause im a steam punk junkie, and wish you all the best of luck
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Aye Aye Captain Myrmaad!


I simply want to continue watching the steampunk team make a great mod which is coming along great guys. And corithian, I love the cover you made, you are very good at all of the modeling.

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Thanks for sorting that out Myrmaad. I was offline for the drama, so I can't really respond to any of the hidden posts, but let's keep the politics to a minimum.


Corthian- Fixed! Brilliant, as always, very nicely put together.

Sarac- interesting picture, like an entire engine put into a helmet. You'd need some serious neck support for that one, I think :rolleyes:


Uk- we can definitely still use custom creatures, and can really fit just about anything into the context of the mod. If you feel like making anything specific, then by all means, it would definitely help the mod.


Tellra- It's always nice to meet another Steampunk junkie, thanks for the post! The posted interest from you and others, even where you can't directly contribute, confirms that things are moving in a positive direct- much appreciated!


Thanks everyone, for the work and input. I'll be sadly offline quite a bit for the next few days, but at least I'll be able to work with the text of the mod. I may not be able to respond immediately, but I'll try to keep up as well as I can.

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Did something happen? I hope everyone is okay. Hurt feelings are a great way to break projects.


Anyways, I would like a status update.


Maybe we should start making the first chapters of the mod. The basic layout of the village and things like that. Although it is important to have thought the story out to the end, it is more important to have visual progress. Like everything the first step is the hardest.

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I don't know much about it, I missed it as well. A toe or two stepped on it seems, but it should all be worked out now.


You're right though Corthian, it's definitely time to get something visible organized, specifically the Steampunk village- we'll be able to work outwards from there.


Really sorry about my sudden disappearance. My brother's wife had pregnancy complications in the middle of painting their new home, so they really ended up needing help all at once. It looks like we'll be able to finish everything tomorrow, and I'll be back to my computer with everything on it either late Thursday or Friday morning.


The writing on the story has been very stop and go, from running into various story conflicts and unmade decisions. Simply, there's a lot more work to be done on it, and the little things have sunk a lot more of my time than I'd set for them. Instead of finishing it all at once, I'm going to try to organize and post the important parts as soon as I get back, to establish things a little more solidly for those working on story. A little organizing of the site so it's actually useful, and hopefully I'll have time to start meshing out a few concept buildings. Tibato should be back soon, so I'll try and get with him to talk about a basic layout for the city so we can assign locations to things as they're worked on.

By way of visual progress, basic building exteriors would probably go further than anything else at this point, we can worry about interiors a little further down the road. Specific buildings appearances aren't terribly important yet I think, but I'll try and put out a few ideas when I'm able.

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Ok, I got a few things going. Industrial era architecture and Victorian architecture in general are Urban centralized and wouldn't fit a small town, I see this as being the biggest obstacle to creating believable buildings. I will have to strike a balance. I have a few Old West buildings that are mid 19th century that I believe may fit in, but I would like some feed back on the idea. Old West themes can mesh well with Victorian and even Steam Punk themes.
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