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Steampunk Oblivion - Recruiting


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Truthfully, I haven't really settled on a look for the dungeon, but yours fits perfectly. Different branches can looks somewhat different, but I like the direction you've taken it.

I'm not sure on the animation problems though, I can't export animations at all, and haven't been able to learn much about how they work in Oblivion. Good luck is about all I'm able to contribute there :confused:


Glad you're excited about the mod Sibbhult, it's always nice to know things are going in a good direction!


Sorry I've been a little slow lately everyone. Two sets of stitches from my wisdom teeth got ripped out in my sleep somehow, it's been really difficult to concentrate on anything lately :mellow:

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Hello there,


My name is Sam and I'm a writer, I would happily help with any quests you need doing or any IDEAS that you want for this game.

Its a passion of mine to make or help with a MOD and I have so far been unsuccessful, so here is my time to shine!


Email me,


[email protected]



Bye for now :)

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Welcome to the team then, Sam!


I'll try and get another long informational post written today to lay out a starting point and direction for writing from- rest assured, there's plenty to be done and room for all types of writing.


Edit- In the meantime though, feel free to come up with names if you'd like. Literally everything in the mod still needs named, two cities, the antagonist, and every NPC (male and female, though I'll define specific NPCs soon).

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The dungeon design I have created has transparent grating to separate the top section from bottom section (actually it's modular so it can be used in anyway) with stair sections. I though it would be cool to have dungeons and such where you can see r where you need to go but have to but are unable to reach there because you are on the wrong level or something. I guess you could also use them for room separators. Right now they have a lot of steam but no gears so I am going to work on that next.
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Indeed, high up walkways, and places where you can actually see the layout never fail to wow players. Also: Bottomless chasms and entirely too many gears placed in odd places, like in Sotha Sil.
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I know what you mean Corthian, and I definitely like the idea. The different passages could also be separated by mechanical doors that you're unable to open at first, then open later with either a switch or from the backside of the door. That way, that part of the dungeon is difficult and confusing to pass through initially, but easier once you've already passed it.


You're right Uber, dungeon chasms done correctly can be very atmospheric, and are a staple of rpg dungeons. I'm not sure about endless, since it's just a common metals mine, but broken out walls and floors revealing different floors and branches of the dungeon you access before or after adds a continuity to the dungeon, and can set up really nice lighting scenes as well. Certainly an idea I'll look into integrating.


Your idea is a good one as well Frost, but I'm not sure we'd be able to fit it into the mod very well. The mine/dungeon was created by engineers who had no access to magic, in a time they didn't have the technology for invisibility. I really appreciate the suggestions though, and would love more :thumbsup:.

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Thanks for the team invite matey!

Please may you send me the code for your signature, and i'll wham it in mine!


If you would like to E-mail me about specific things that are needed, IE: Storylines, NPC names, Important Character Names, Quests, Locations, Weapons Et cetera, then that would be super, ill get on it straight away!

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