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Steampunk Oblivion - Recruiting


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Shred: All things considered, maybe it would be better for me to contribute just my characters, after all. I already have a doctor and his apprentice (no nurse, though), and if there's not going to be a port then Fairlayne and Co. could easily be converted into a band of highway robbers rather than pirates. They could even become a faction and offer quests of some sort for the less . . . scrupulous characters. Just a thought.


EDIT: Oooh, here's another idea that splits the difference! Tobias is the town doctor, and can offer the PC a quest to find the missing pieces of his lost journal in exchange for medical equipment, rare herbs, etc. The other townsfolk would think he was cracked, going on about traveling the stars and whatnot, but he'd insist that it was all terrifyingly true.

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Im liking the idea of a new guild for Steampunk..

Steampunk pirates guild?

Maybe some sort of researchers guild (not quite the same as the Archaeology guild)


And sorry for the spam post above, my internet said that it went down, right before i clicked "post" and so i wondered why it hadnt posted and i button mashed it!

Later, did i find out the error of my ways and realised i posted about 200000000000 posts :P


Oh well, got my point across. :D

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Just wanted to say that this looks like its going to be an amazing mod and its good to see everyone coming together to help like this :D


Unfortunatley i wouldnt be able to help so yeah, this post is just to say how amazing this is coming along :P

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Well Phayze, I've finally set aside the time to get a more thorough read through your story, and must say I'm very impressed. Great story and better written than most novels, I'd love to get the full text into the mod if we're able. I'm not sure what the specific limitations are on space for an Oblivion book, but it's certainly worth looking into.

I'm thinking of possible ways to integrate Tobias into the mod; the doctor in my mind was pretty young, which would make it difficult to have the timeframes match up. Perhaps an older greying doctor Tobias, and some of the younger NPCs can recall him telling them fantastic tales to them while they where children. Then you can add a final journal entry, several years after the previous, writing about waking up in confusion in an unfamiliar landscape (no choice to adapt and make the best of things, or whatnot). Leave it at that for the player to decide whether he's the same Tobias, and that the stories he told may have been based on fact. Perhaps his research into the creatures living outside of town can be based off a scientific curiosity of being in a world unlike the one he grew up in.

Speaking of that though, and older doctor would have trouble researching dangerous creatures. I'm thinking of a new character, a young and agile girl who shares an interest in the creatures, who's taken up some of the research of Tobias since he'd aged too much to go himself. Small, fast, and impish like fantasy games like to portray rouge and thief classes, but inquisitive to the core. One of few residents who would readily face danger, perhaps a little sister to Cassandra. Just thoughts though.


I'm not sure about portraying your characters as pirates though, since they were more vigilantes. I would be interested in a few less law-abiding characters, though not from an evil slant. I'll look into that one.

I'm not sure we'd be able to fit in a guild either though, since the town will be pretty small. Since the town is going to be pretty disconnected from the rest of the world, it doesn't seem like they would need the formality or publicity of a guild.


I appreciate the support Kitty, hopefully some day you'll be able to see what all of this looks like completed!

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Here is a model I downloaded a while back. It took some doing but I was able to rig it to the Gatekeeper Skeleton. Monster


I'll post some more stuff tomorrow. I think I might re-rig my previous squid monster to something other than the Gatekeeper. I am making a little Goblin thing as well.

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Hmm im guessing i could come up with a few ideas for this mod <.< i have spent all day today and yesterday reading all about this mod <.< along with doing tutorials for blender >.> lol
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Going through this and adding docks, and thinking about how there might have been a lighthouse at some point, I'm starting to think that maybe this town should have had some kind of competition with Anvil very early on for being one of the primary trade ports from other nations, and didn't succeed. I think we could put in a LOT of interesting backstory if, in the past, we make it clear that Oldtown is relatively comparable with Anvil (I'll look up the history), but that the things going on with the mine are scaring away anyone who might invest in the city. To that end, introduce Patrick Cooper, a trader and non-native to the city who saw potential in it and wanted to get in on the ground floor, figuring that the presence of a mine would only advance Oldtown's prospects. To his great dismay, the mine brought more hindrance than harm, and once production in it halted - and word started to get around as to why - he started pulling out all the stops trying to get things back in order. He could offer financial and perhaps other incentive to the player to clear out some of the specific things gone wrong in the mine, and to try to find other rare resources unique to it to draw investors. He could also be found later to be cutting strange/illegal deals with the guards of Fort Crowhaven so that they would lie about the dangers present, and perhaps punished/killed/exiled for it later. This last is just an afterthought.
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Fun facts about this time period.


(do we want this EXACTLY 200 years before the events of Oblivion?)


200 years prior to the events of Oblivion would place us in the third era (3E), year 233. I'm trying to piece together information that's relevant about this time, most of which I'm getting here: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Third_Era


-It's under the reign of Emperor Urial IV, who was considered a (literal) male without a father without right to rule. His inability to control the Council's respect made him relatively worthless as a leader. He was crowned 31 years before 233, though, so everyone's long bored of this.


-This is still long after the disappearance of the dwarves (which happened something like 4,000 years prior), so anyone able to work out their technology is welcome to it; they won't have much to say on the matter, though.


-I haven't been able to figure out much about dates regarding Anvil or the Arcane University, unfortunately, and I think it's best if any added text or narrative be vague enough about them to be accurate regardless of whatever the "actual" information might be.


Thoughts: If this is about steampunk, I assume it's about these technologies. If you want them to be dwemer in origin (which *I* personally love the thought of), then it's reasonable to expect that our archvillain might have come across Divine Metaphysics and other Dwemer books about Kagrenac's Tools, from Morrowind, and might be trying to emulate their power to achieve Godhood as did the Tribunal. Just a thought.

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Just to point out guys, anyone interested in this mod, get your arses on skype!

We will arrange a meeting very soon, however the times will be an issue due to the american to english time gap...

From now of if you have skype, bang your account name up so we can add you and make a conference call :)

The mod will shortly kick off soon, we are looking for people to make a website (I can design but i cant code)

In conjunction with the posts above, Im liking the ideas that are coming so keep them up guys, they are needed and are all being taken into account!



Thanks on my behalf for all the posts, Shredator is very pleased too!


let's get this thing up and running!

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