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This is probably a sign of my noobishness, but what exactly is the Iredior conspiracy? Ive been using MW source forums for about a month now and I keep seeing references to it. I'm guessing that Iredior is some sort of city. Is it a mod? and if so where can I go to download it? any help would be appreciated. :)
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Iredior is a mod in the making. I am not personally on the team, but my best friend is so i am getting an insight into what is going on with it. Put it this way, i have seen it and it is better than any other mod i have come accross, however it looks like it might be a few months away yet, but i'm not really in a position to give you an exact time because i really don't know.
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It is a mod Headed by Me and Theta Orionis. It will be finished before christmas, or atleast so we hope.


Check in our sigs. there you will find our homepage and the link to our forums. If not, I will write them below for you to have a look. I'm short of time right now, But within an hour, I will give you longer detailed answer. Until then, you will have to put up with our site and forums.




Iredior Furoms


Iredior Site

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All righty then. Have some minutes.


Iredior conspiracy is a mod that aims for realism and roleplaying. There will be less hack and slash gaming, and less magic. Instead you will do more real roleplaying and have to ask around more in the city. There are lots of factions represented and choosing an option at one place, might disable another. That way, the game will hopefully not be the same if you play it twice. We are working with a large story, and over 10 mjoinable factions with alot of quests for each. We aim for many hours of gameplay, and I think 20+ hours of additional gameplay is not impossible. If you find your way around in the city... :D. If you dont know the city in and out like I do, it will definately be more.


We dont want the mod to get to big, because we want it to be possible for everyone to download. So we are trying to keep new models and textures low, and instead aim for lots of gameplay and facinating uses of the existant morrowind objects.


More detailed info on our main site. Link is in my signature.


We are also hunting for a talented scripter. You can find the post concerning that in team recruitment.



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Thanx for the in depth answer Ghorgareth. It sounds like its going to be an awsome mod! Good luck on it, and you can count on me if you need any help testing it. :D I wish I could help with the scripting but alas I'm not very good at using the CS. :( In the meantime I'll be looking forward to hearing more about this great sounding mod. B)
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