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AlienSlof's Xivilai

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Hey again. another post bout this xivalai mod the mod works great and i felt like tryin out the 2 handers esp that alien kindly included in the pack,

and i was wondering does this only affect the player? cuz i dont want npcs to be able to do it too :P

and if it doesn't only affect the player can you alter it so that it does or do i have to put up with bosmers being able to weild 2 handers in one hand? :P



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You know it has a readme, right? And in that it says that the mod only affects the player. Xivilai are big brutes with huge strength, so Kirel set up the one-hander mod to work only with him. Needs to load after the Xivilai mod itself. :smile:
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Ah, if it isnt alienslof himself i feel honored,


yeah i did know there was a readme, but i didnt understand it very well i think you may need to rephrase the sentences slightly cuz of a few errors i distinctly remeber reading, "if you want the npcs to wield 2 handers then you only need the KF. files......etc" or something to that effect, however i appreciate the clarification



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'Herself' :happy:
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