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I am, I believe. I mean why not? If you believe in a soul, why can't it be imprisioned here, stuck between our world and one we can't see? Who's to say they aren't standing behind you as you read this? Why not?
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I know too many sensible sober people who have seen things to dismiss it completely, what they actually saw though is up for debate. Maybe what they've seen is a disruption of some sort in time, the ghost they've seen is just a glimpse of the past. There is a lack of solid evidence but peoples experiences should not be ignored, best to keep an open mind.
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Before I'd once again believe in the acquired mental humbug from the days of my early childhood I'd probably first have to face the unasked return of my ex-lovers from the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie... :wacko:


http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif You cannot pass! Go back to the Shadow! You shall not pass!

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Why believe in ghosts? They can not be measured or tested. The human brain is highly fallible, so why not simply ascribe ghosts to people's imagination much like developed humanoid aliens and Yeti's and the like?


If you believe in a soul, why can't it be imprisioned here, stuck between our world and one we can't see?


What soul? Can you prove they exist? Is a soul not simply a made-up concept for people who don't cope well with the idea that a life has no chance of permanency then? Also, what other world? Anything we can see we ascribe to this world, so we can't see the other world. If we can't see the other world, why assume its existence?

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Why believe in ghosts? They can not be measured or tested. The human brain is highly fallible, so why not simply ascribe ghosts to people's imagination much like developed humanoid aliens and Yeti's and the like?


If you believe in a soul, why can't it be imprisioned here, stuck between our world and one we can't see?


What soul? Can you prove they exist? Is a soul not simply a made-up concept for people who don't cope well with the idea that a life has no chance of permanency then? Also, what other world? Anything we can see we ascribe to this world, so we can't see the other world. If we can't see the other world, why assume its existence?


Thats not up for debate, thats why I said IF you believe in a soul, or IF you believe in another world, but not to be intended as the debate itself.

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The wish is father to the thought, always.



The soul was originally understood by the ancient as the mystery of life located in the blood circulation, and was a such a taboo, and that's why we still let bleeding white the animals ready for slaughter - the Jewish kosher and Muslim halal slaughter.


Ghosts, demons and the chimera are the products of our not worked up fears (usually acquired by the parents and others) and events that might happen, had happend and will happen again - the killing of a girl alone in the woods by night, for example. There must have been a big bad wolf or somethin' ....

Problem is - all these things, which are as hard to leave behind as a drug, were used in earlier days as instruments for thought control.

Todays we are free to be controlled or not. An individual decision. Have fun.

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I know too many sensible sober people who have seen things to dismiss it completely, what they actually saw though is up for debate. Maybe what they've seen is a disruption of some sort in time, the ghost they've seen is just a glimpse of the past. There is a lack of solid evidence but peoples experiences should not be ignored, best to keep an open mind.


I agree, I mean in my mind anything is possible, not on this world or in this universe where our limited knowledge exsists, sure. But who's to say it doesn't exsist elsewhere?

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I think the majority of people believe in Ghost, even atheists. I personally have never seen one though. Have you ever been to Galveston Island, or Hiroshima?


No, why? Does those places have ghosts? (I can understand Hiroshima because of the atom bomb, but why Galveston island?)

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I agree, I mean in my mind anything is possible, not on this world or in this universe where our limited knowledge exsists, sure. But who's to say it doesn't exsist elsewhere?



Elsewhere is nowhere...

So, for the love of God, don't let us turn this thread again in one of these hot-air discussions without any rhyme or reason.


Thank you.

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