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Most embarrassing moment in life.


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Most of the embarassing moments in my life are too painful to share, but I do have one that isn't.


When I was younger, I used to be into martial arts big time - I lived and breathed for it. During one of the training sessions in acrobatics, I dove over an obstacle and landed face-first on one of the pair of tonfa I was carrying (a tonfa looks like the police issued batons if youdon't know). I dd this in front of this girl I had been flirting with earlier - it caught me right in the mouth. I covered it up as best I could, with blood gushing out from under my lip I looked at the tonfa and declared "Oh crap, I think I just broke my tonfa". As the people came rushing to make sure I was okay, I kept down-playing it the injury. She thought I was dumb, and avoided me like the plague for the rest of the class.


Funny thing is everyone else in my class thought I was invincible after that (especially the kids).

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Most of the embarassing moments in my life are too painful to share, but I do have one that isn't.


When I was younger, I used to be into martial arts big time - I lived and breathed for it. During one of the training sessions in acrobatics, I dove over an obstacle and landed face-first on one of the pair of tonfa I was carrying (a tonfa looks like the police issued batons if youdon't know). I dd this in front of this girl I had been flirting with earlier - it caught me right in the mouth. I covered it up as best I could, with blood gushing out from under my lip I looked at the tonfa and declared "Oh crap, I think I just broke my tonfa". As the people came rushing to make sure I was okay, I kept down-playing it the injury. She thought I was dumb, and avoided me like the plague for the rest of the class.


Funny thing is everyone else in my class thought I was invincible after that (especially the kids).


Ouch both mentally and physically.

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Earlier this afternoon I had one final tooth repaired. I have been getting work done for the last four years. Just minor fillings and caps..


I reflected on the past and realiize that I have made a grand display of childlike demeanor. Wanting so much to be liked and to find someone who could kiss my boo boo's.


I realize at this moment in time I embarrassed myself repeated, as I thought I was intensely politically correct and defending my self proper.

As I sit here healing It is wondrous to me how I managed to make this a most embarrassing occasion..


I apologize to all of you who I have offended.


Now especially to RedVexHK who I felt hurt by. Now that my mind is clear I realized it was because I was trying to flirt with her, and it went sour. A childlike sour feeling that was more intense than I have had in decades.


I felt she deepened my hurt by calling me Fan. I sincerely apologize for afflicting my pained moments which were heightened by my own pain from the last tooth that needed to be repaired.


I apologize.

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*Smiles* Pagyfyr. I called you Fan in serious error. tho you spoke that it was supposed to display names several names did not display for me.. and I saw actually two people which truly threw me off, you displayed as "Fan" and another person displayed as "FAN" this is why I mistakenly thought it was a user name.

I'm willing to forget and accept your apology, I had made an honest mistake before and meant an honest apology. I refused to fight with you and stopped posting because I honestly felt to continue I would hurt you sour the forum and hurt myself I'm a very sensitive girl and fighting even like this makes me feel very bad so I avoided it. Also I feel hurting you or anyone is a miserable thing to do and would only make me look like a female dog.. So please don't think I meant to hurt you in any way or make fun of you,that was truly not my intent. Your intent to flirt with me went sour only because I was very confused by your post.. I guess you misunderstood my response as baiting but I was actually quite unsure what you meant.I apologize for that as well.. but if it's any consolation... I'm a brilliantly intelligent woman..but a natural "Blonde".. so I have an excuse...


Can I post someone else's embarrassing moment??


This made the local news where I lived at the time it was that bad... Some girl was at a local Motel and went out on the pool deck for a swim. It was quite busy that day and hot.. so she leaves her ground floor suite that opens onto the pool deck.. walked to the end of the pool dove in.. swam a few laps.. then got out and walked towards the Pool Bar for a drink... everyone was staring at her as she walked almost halfway around the pooland she was quite curious what was going on when someone pointed at the pool and was trying to get her attention.. so finally she looks where he's pointing and see's bother her bikini top and bottom floating in the pool.... apparently she at that point screamed and collapsed sobbing .. someone wrapped a towel around her... but she was pretty much humiliated by that time. According to some of my friends who were working there she was quite pretty.I guess she had quite a bad day... worse for her the story was carried that evening on the local TV News

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It is embarrassing to realize I found myself thrilled to play MORROWIND, while, getting a notch in my cap out in the real world on Friday nights and Saturday nights began to elude me when I got interested in the game.


I was so passive last evening I had to drudge up the desire to play a video game. No pain, no game!


I did not get any drug to allow, the after time, of the drilling and filled tooth pain to subside gradually. It wasn't like, in my past, after getting a filling of having a few days of light passive drug induced euphoria. I was only at the mercy of the new form of pain killer the dentist injected to keep me from suffering from the drilling. I was painlessly, really, dumbfounded as I sat here in front of my computer.


It may suggest I am not really into gaming. It may suggest, I am gradually accepting my age and demeanor has lost any appeal to the opposite sex. How embarrassing!

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iI remembered one time I went out on the town during the day to find out if any of my old friends were up and about.  Afterward I traveled to the store to get some supplies.  I passed a few people who gave me a quick look and looked away.<br><br>I went through the checkout line.  I drove back to the house.  After I step up to the front door I could see my reflection and there was a big green goober hanging from my nose.  No one wanted to be my new friend enough to tell me I had it hanging there.  Oh!  I knew it wasn't new.  I felt the clog.  I was going to get it out earlier but I was afraid it would make it

worse.  I did not realize how big a clog it was.<br><br>It was enormous.<br>

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I'll share another....


In my martial arts days, I was training for the weapons requirements for an upcoming belt test I was planning to take as several people were watching me (I had an intensity that was awesome to behold). The weapon I was practising with was a sword. Now, this sword was approximately 11 inches shorter than the usual katanas I had been using and about 3 pounds lighter. As I went through the motions with the sword I executed one of the moves which is to skewer an opponent approaching from the rear and placed the tip of the sword too close to my leg - the sword went through the leg of my pants and out the back. I pulled the sword out quickly, noticed there was blood on the blade, and simply determined that I had nicked my leg (hence the presence of blood) and went back to training. After 10 minutes, I began to notice that my right leg was soaked when I touched it - as I took my hand away, I realised I was bleeding. I went into the restroom, pulled my pants down, and saw that the "nick" I had sustained was in fact an entry wound where the blade of the sword had entered the right front side of my right leg (2 o'clock position), travelled 2 1/2 inches under my skin, and exited the back rightside of the leg (4 o'clock position). I was left with two gaping football shaped wounds on my leg which were now bleeding profusely. :ohmy: I downplayed it of course (I even used the "It's only a flesh-wound" line from "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" :cool: )


I wound up with 22 stitches (11 on each 3 inch wound) and two very rude, snide, and catty nurses who, thinking they were being cute/funny scolded me for "playing with swords". I informed them that:

1) I was training and not "playing"

2) If they didn't shut their mouths they would be the next people in need of medical care as I would shut their mouths for them.

My sister tried to run "damage control" as best she could since she works at the hospital she took me to (her idea to haul me in, not mine) and the two nurses harassing me were her co-workers who later gave her nine miles of grief over it (which my sister verbally took out on me).


Nedless to say, I am a real delight to deal with when hurt.

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That's a worse injury than I did when I tried swordfighting. Those jagged metal poles that the color guard used a long time ago to set up tents that are the perfect length and weight to substitute for a scimitar? They ain't. Didn't need stitches for it, but the scar is still straight across my hand. You can actually see a perfect line going across my knuckles.
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That's a worse injury than I did when I tried swordfighting. Those jagged metal poles that the color guard used a long time ago to set up tents that are the perfect length and weight to substitute for a scimitar? They ain't. Didn't need stitches for it, but the scar is still straight across my hand. You can actually see a perfect line going across my knuckles.


It might be a "lesser injury" than yours, but yours still get an *OUCH*

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