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So my heavily-modded Oblivion decided to duplicate the ground. There is a floating, mud-colored, 2-D cover a couple feet above the ground, and it is solid and not able to be seen through. The effect basically hides my legs, and I can only see my torso. The plants and grass disappear, as do smaller creatures and items. Sometimes it is high enough to be under it, and below the paper-thin, ghost land, you can see everything perfectly. Basically, it is a barf-tinted, two dimensional, walk-throughable, floating, varying-depth ground. I can't figure which mod might do this. Any questions/ideas?
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If you mean of the world, yes. Everything always looks as if it is being illuminated by the sun. No darkness whatsoever. And that room in the starting sewer where light should be shining in through the celing onto a pile of bones, heavy armor, and blunt weapons, there was no shining light, or dark. So, in short, yes!
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Exactly what I was gonna suggest. Your Light Brite is toggled, and you need to untoggle it. Check your ini, at the section labelled bFullBrightLighting. See if it equals 0 or 1.
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