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k_001-a1der - (Is a GTAIV style cover system possible?) Why yes it is&

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Article link: k_001-a1der - (Is a GTAIV style cover system possible?) Why yes it is!


Hey Nexus this is my first tutorial, hope its good.




Ok just to let you know this tutorial is not for beginners. You will have to understand the different terms that I use and have a animation editing program, a program like Autodesk 3ds max and knows the GECK like the back of there hand.





First you will have to make a couple of "animation sequences": entering the cover, exiting the cover, a modification of the idle, left walk idle & right walk idle animations.


Every reload and shoot animation for every gun. The shoot animations should be for the Left & Right peak maneuvers, and the reloads should be behind cover.


The difference in the animations should be noticeable from the vanilla idle animation, it should be a mixture of crouching and wall sitting.


There also should be two different sets of "animation sequences" High & Low cover.





Ok..Now this is when things get complicated.

First start up your animation editing software.(really doesn't matter what it is, as long as you can edit the vanilla .kf files)


Load the vanilla: idle, idle walk left and idle walk right animations.(In separate windows of course)


Now..do what ever you want to them its your mod.

Ok now its the regular b.s. edit..export..whatever.


Open the g.e.c.k, load you mod, go to the "idle animations" tab right click new. open the animation data. click browse. when your done, click save.





Yay..no, not really:'(

Create new script. name it: "1xWallCoverSCRIPT" click script type, and click "OBJECT".


excuse me if the scripting is shoddy..in still learning.



srn 1xWallCoverSCRIPT


Begin OnTriggerEnter.player


;some kind of scripting code should go here, so that NPCs or the player is forced to use the animation.





That's how the script should look, maybe?


I don't know how to make a NPC use a idle animation maker but it has been done in the game e.g.(That giant robot, forgot its name)




G.E.C.K. (Garden of Edibales Cooking Kitchen)

Ok create a new trigger. Once that opens click new trigger. chose the script you just made. uh..name it: "1xWallCoverTRIG" click done.


Open up the GECK and start placing your new triggers and idle markers.


[!]Don't forget to put the trigger in front of the idle marker.




Made By:


The AriousQween


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I had to re-upload this article because the first one has been broken after some site problems.


this is version 1.7, the article has been updated for grammar and formatted to be gentile on the eyes. and a few factual errors have also been corrected.

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i don't know? its not finished, and its not scraped... i'll say from how things are going with the modding crew, this fall or next spring.
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  • 3 weeks later...

NPC's find cover in combat via information created inside the Navmesh, when you "find cover" while making a Navmesh.


So there's probably some of the foundations of what you need already created, maybe...


Anyhow after that you need the cover animation to move left or right, leaning out to fire, which gets complex when you also factor in cover that you need to stand up in order to shoot.


Also Eventually the NPC is going to run up on you to point blank range. It doesn't come to mind but I think there is a way of controling this issue, otherwise when you find cover the NPC's just stack up point blank.


You would need a VATS activation to work when in Cover, sounds like a nightmare, maybe you could disable VATS when in cover an enable it when you are out, but VATS is just camera's mostly.


You know it could be as easy as limiting the movement of the player to 3-4 feet of the current cover location based off the "find cover" in the Navmesh, thus leaving the fancy part either ducking or weaving in and out to the player.

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FYI - I fixed some spelling, capitalization and punctuation for you. Many of the changes I made were simply right-clicking the RED-COLORED words in Firefox's editor. Firefox has a great spell-check feature built-in to the text edit boxes so all you have to do (mostly) is look for red underlined text to find the easy-to-correct problems.



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