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In game mod issues

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Alright, so im currently working on two mods and they both have a major problem.


Problem number 1: In my one mod I have made a custom plane of oblivion annd everythign works great but one thing. The lava appears block from above and when in the water it appears as if theres none at all even though you still recieve lava damage. Its as if the water was covered in a thin layer of black on top then delete leaving the black layer behind. Are there any solutions to this?


Problem number 2: In my other mods then one room has verious items that dont appear and everything is grey but a few items that show. So its like everything is invisible including the building you in making you run into random items and not be able to do anything right. Below is two screenshots to give you a better idea.







Any help would be great! Thanks. I need to get this sorted out before I release the mods

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Second one: That may be a shader problem, but I'm unsure, I've run into it a few times when I use the burned wood barricade from Kvatch. Is there a normal map on that architecture? I don't recognize it at a glance.


First: You're using the wrong lava. Use OblivionTestLava (That's not the exact name, I'm not sure about it).The others are messed up and unused.

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My guess is that you are using some texture replacer mods or some meshes with customized textures. I have even seen missing meshes before that did not have the yellow diamond with the exclamation point. But if you can bump into the wall then that is not the problem with that particular wall.


If you customized these meshes to use special textures, make sure your file paths are correct.

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