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Daedric Quests Complete, but.....


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I just finished all the Daedric quests, including Sanguine, however its still showing in my current/active list. Is there a bug on this? I do have the Hermaous Mora requirement removal mod active, and I figure that it would kick in after I got the last of the quests done, but its being prevented due to that one active quest still in there. I've had to do 3 Daedric quests twice. After I finished all of them with the mod active, the Sanguine Quest was still active. I exited, & unchecked it. Didn't make a difference. So, with it unchecked I went thru my saves, and would try the Sanguine quest w/o the Mora Mod active to see if it would kick it over to "Complete" No dice(sad face) So, I had to do the remaining quests all over again, and the Sanguine is still hanging me up. Any Help? Anything in the ini that I need to do?
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When you select Sanguine as your active quest,what does the message in your log say? Have you installed the Unnoficial Oblivion Patch TESNexus php?id 5296 yet? If it is a bug with vanilla the patch will probably fix it. Deleting the configuration settings in Documents\My Games\Oblivion might fix it too.
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When you select Sanguine as your active quest,what does the message in your log say? Have you installed the Unnoficial Oblivion Patch TESNexus php?id 5296 yet? If it is a bug with vanilla the patch will probably fix it. Deleting the configuration settings in Documents\My Games\Oblivion might fix it too.

I have this message in my active/current log for the quest:

"Sanguine was pleased with my efforts. He has given me the Sanguine Rose as a reward. I may retrieve my belongings in the nearby chest."


Yes, I have installed the UOP. If I do delete the configuration settings, where would I look for the specifics on this??

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My character who has done all of the Daedric quests has this message in completed quests. I recommend installing the UOP because it can be used to fix mistakes that Bethesda left in the game. Deleting the configuration settings will reset changes made by mods that have been deleted or deactivated. The only hassle with this is resetting your screen resolution and hand editing the new configuration settings to allow for screenshots and enabling some tweaks, like border removal. The UOP adds an item in your inventory that can be used to fix problems with your current character, like alterered attributes from a mod you do not have active. Did you empty the chest after you completed the sanguine quest? Do you have a form of archive invalidation active? Oblivion Mod Manager has bsa redirection as an option. The Hermaus Mora mod should work to bypass the Sanguine glitch.
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Yes, I emptied the Sanguine Chest. UOP is installed & seems fine. Archive Invalidation also seems fine. I did go to the Hermaus Mora Shrine, and I got the quest. Just that Sanguine is still stuck in current quests.
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"Sanguine was pleased with my efforts. He has given me the Sanguine Rose as a reward. I may retrieve my belongings in the nearby chest."

that is the quest closing quote.


so if the quest is still open


you have a mod that changes this quest.



(green check mark means the quest is over)

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