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Star wars The Old Republic(MMORPG)


Star wars The Old Republic(MMORPG)  

14 members have voted

  1. 1. Yes or No

    • Hell yeah baby!!! (YES)
    • Crap (NO) not another MMO...........

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No. I wanted Kotor 3 and Lucas stabbed me in the back because Kotor 2 it went against everything that he believed in. That and I have grown out of Star Wars franchise and I'm more interested in single player RPGs than MMOs
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I voted no. Because I have no confidence in lucasarts to make a good game, because Im completely over mmorpgs.


And because, most of all, Im well over starwars. Starwars is written into a corner-as far as games go it really cant be merchandised much further than it has been; its day is done. The simple fact is starwars has immense detail, but its not a very large usable universe and its entirely focues around two black and white factions and a tiny handful of characters. This means that virtualy any starwars game has to be made in a certain time in a certain place with certain characters featuring because if they innovate then people will say "its not starwars" and if they keep doing what they are, even fanboys will eventualy lose their patience.


Im a bit fed up with the universe on the whole-its got some authorship mistakes not even I make, it was written a long time ago in a sociopolitical age far far away, and I find the good doers, lastly, absolutely insuffurable. Im sure this wont be a good game, and a year ago I'd have been hungry for it, but after force unleashed I doubt I'll ever bother buying it. Simply because Ive seen all 5 worlds it has to offer, the two big conflicts, and the resolution of the story, everything from then on just feels like reiteration, and not in a good way.


What I look for in a universe is ability to expand, detail, and in games, ability to create your own stories, and starwars just cant provide that for me, not anymore.


Lastly, I got sick to death of people viraly advertising this in EVE and champions online before it, Ive played MMOs for a decade and I hate gold sellers, but someone coming into a game like EVE and telling me in often quite profane terms that Im an idiot for buying EVE not stor makes my blood boil, and after executing 6 such people, any hopes of me ever buying this game are gone. Viral marketing is immensely irritating and somewhat amoral, barging into a video game and swearing at people for not buying a particular game is just ridiculous and shouldnt happen.


Now I cant prove this was offical, a lucasarts black op or some drunk fanboys, but it certainly put me off the game even more, not even EA is that bad, and if this is lucasarts, then Im never going to buy one of their games again.

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Considering the bombardment of advertising I;ve had about this game I think they are pretty desperate for success.


I also would take that with a grain of salt Thor, you couldnt possibly pay for a game by realeasing it with free online play. MMORPGs are extremely expesive to make, so unless they've cut some massive corners on quality they'll ruin themselves. Or they are just cynical enough to assume people will buy it because its starwars. One way or the other this smacks of corporate cynicism, I really doubt they could afford to release this like this, and fully expect "conditions and caveats" or absolutely no support past launch. Im also concerned with how heavily they are hyping this.


Hype is a dangerous, dangerous thing. This game has been hyped massively for about 2-3 years now or more, and that usualy suggests either repeated setbacks keeping it "just about to launch" or absolute dev arrogance in thinking they can live up to hype. Either way I find their hype, claims of "free" online play and smugness a little concerning. Ive played games before that were released under the same circumstances and none of them came close to what the devs thought they could achieve.


Bill Roper and champions online thought they could conquer wow. They couldnt, the game had the worst balance of any mainstream mmorpg since starwars galaxies. It had so many crashes, glitches, faults and non functioning areas that some entire regions had to be avoided. The game had only 3 mods who actualy reported for duty, of which only one of which, Indigo Fire, actualy gave a damn. Normaly any error report took atleast 4-6 IRW weeks to see a response, if ever, and the response was, only ever, "this is an mmorpg, and while we regret that we cant please everyone, it will not be perfect" As such resource sellers outnumbered even this in AION. A whole subset of people existed to steal money from guilds, furries colonised a few months after launch and at the time of my leaving, outnumbered sentient humans and were becoming a rather extreme problem because of their bullying and bestial behavior.


None of this reached the ears of the devs, They kept going along in their happy little way, seeing CO as gaming perfection, and after sucking the community dry of every possible cent, abandoning them to work on starttrek online. leaving the game in a barely functional crisis state with 3 of 5 zones unsuable, almost all servers down. blatant copyright infringment, bullying, pornography, trolling, bestiality, hacking, cheating, scamming, viruses and gold selling rampant, and unpatched/moderated for several months straight.


Before launch however they were hyping this just like swtor's devs were. This is one of the reasons I dont trust this Propaganda.

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I can't exactly comment on how good or bad this game will be until i have actually played first hand , as being an MMORPG this game has a lot of potential in terms of marketing this game is concern(one way would be announcing as a free to play). thou some in SWTOR forums say that this will either be free to play or pay to play (unconfirmed)but either way i would be trying this one out.mainly because i am a star wars fan (and im interested in playing as a villain " Sith inquisitor or a Bounty hunter)LOL i know most you think that it will be another WOW or some other MMORPG game out there(grind,farm,hunt ect and the constant idiots spamming on shout... gold seller) but who knows till we actually played it this could be fun and a whole new experience.
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Be careful what you imply...


As a matter of fact I have a lot of mmorpg experience. I dont play them anymore but after nearly a decade playing all the major mmos excluding ultima, and many upcomers. I am atleast knowledgable enough to be an informed critic. One of my concerns is that this is bioware we are talking about.


A large portion of people think that the sun's light shines from bioware's office. It doesnt. Nor does everyone love them. Mass effect was a badly flawed rushjob. Alpha protocol had so much in common with mass effect I almost see it as an expansion pack. I could go on, but I dont like them, and Im not going to try and sugarcoat that. Bioware is an arrogant big name brand who manage to appeal to a lot of people. And they sell games in massive numbers, because after KOTOR and mass effect and dragon age, which were "good enough" to impress most people, a lot of people simply buy their sequals because they have bioware written on the box.


Its like in cars, BMW are absolute rubbish, but they dont break down, look expensive, and come from germany. So people with money buy them so they fit in-simply because of what's printed on the hood. Im not going to bother with swtor, Bioware made me cynical enough after mass effect, alpha protocol shattered any faith I had left in them. I doubt this will be anything more than a poorly constructed canadian made rehash of guild wars. And Ive played guild wars for a long time-it died unmourned years ago and should stay dead. Im sure my opinion here will be disected, rejected, disproved and reviled. But it stands. Writing the name of a company with past triumphs on rubbish doesnt turn it to gold, it just makes the corp's fans buy it and be disapointed.


I have nothing personal against bioware, swtor, or the people who like either, but that doesnt mean I have to like their games.


As for your point Aeon I dont beleive it was official advertising, probably just fanboys. But Ive had STWOR propaganda thrown in my face more times over the last two years than I have any other game. I mean that. If you play the MMORTS EVE online then Im sure you'll know what Im talking about. Its about once a week that you get some crazy guy starting a violent argument because he said in help/rookie/local/system/regional something along the lines of how swtor would make all other mmos obselete and how we were all idiots for holding onto them.



Its the same thing in champions online, the last MMORPG I ever played and the one so unendingly horrible I swore never to play another one ever again. There was 4 seperate guilds called "waiting for swtor" "swtor is god" and so on. Likewise, EVE has playing fanboy warbands entirely themed around stwor-most of the swtor trollers, of which there are thousands, belong. So no, not official advertising, but Ive been trolled so many times by people on trial accounts bursting a chatroom and screaming at us about swtor that I honestly wouldnt buy this no matter how good it was.


If that is official bioware propaganda, then despite what I said earlier, I WILL have something personal against bioware.

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