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nude images should it stay or should it go now



48 members have voted

  1. 1. should nude images go?

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Repetions are less amusing. Not reading is even more worse. One simply has to be an integral part of the image maker scene to come to grips with the image problem, either way.



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Repetions are less amusing. Not reading is even more worse. One simply has to be an integral part of the image maker scene to come to grips with the image problem, either way.






ill like to add something in


what if we keep devoteing our life to nude images

well think about it doesnt that mean there will be a lack off non nude images or anything


i do like the nude and everything and the images but seriously we need to cut down

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Depends what nude images. I've seen some that made my jaw drop to the ground and some that made me sad.
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Its a little subjective but I think quality has to come into this at some stage.


Good art uses metaphores, nudity can be a powerful metaphore if used well. But you shouldmnt overdo it. Im someone who isnt offended by nudity, but isnt too fond of it either. I wouldnt ask for someone to pur a bra on the Venus De Mairo because its such a beautiful and enigmatic work of art. It doesnt have a purpose and you'll stare at it for a while trying to work out what the message of it is, if any. You dont stare at this sculpture because its naked, you stare at it because it is an enigma-no clear purpose, meaning or reason for existance. But it does exist and the artist responsible clearly knew what they were doing. in my view, good art, because it makes you think.


On the other hand I think the swarm of images of prefab boobies on a prefab character are artless and crude. Photographing a female character in an erotic pose, naked, isnt art. because its not new, it doesnt make you search the image for meaning. Its just shallow boobiefetish wierdness. Some people even miss the sexual connotations altogether. I come from a culture where men where skirts or dresses (kilts) and a country where breasts arent terribly sexualised because one in two women waves them around in public anyway. So these dont really shock me or hold my eye. Really, if you're going to post nudes, PLEASE make sure that the image has some degree of merit beyond boobies. Because for some people breasts can be seen simply by looking down. And regardless, even for men after a thousand shots of HGECed or DMGECed another one doesnt seem interesting and will probably just be ignored.


Because after you turn 20, boobies dont seem half as interesting anymore...

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ill like to add something in


what if we keep devoteing our life to nude images

well think about it doesnt that mean there will be a lack off non nude images or anything


i do like the nude and everything and the images but seriously we need to cut down


No, there wasn't, isn't, and won't be, a lack of non-nude images. That is just a silly thing to say.


You know what has a lack of images, nude or otherwise? The Supporter Image Share.

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You know what has a lack of images, nude or otherwise? The Supporter Image Share.


... and a lack of trash as well. And trash, kids, was never ever a successful trendsetter in the art of pleasing.

In the end everybody has to obey the rules and to follow their shifts, or he won't get old, neither here nor elsewhere, as may be imagined...


See ya at the supported open end of the rainbow ... :woot:





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I can see both sides of this, makes me feel pretty uncomfortable because I have experienced some of the dilemma that Dark0ne has faced, on my own MUCH smaller site. At the end of the day though, we have to respect what Dark0ne has decided and stand by his decision, he owns the joint and what he says goes.


On the one hand, I find any puritanism associated with the naked human body disturbing. I do not mean that I want to see overt, demeaning porn shoved in my face everywhere I go. But at the end of the day, nudity is natural, we all have a naked body, and we need to take away some of the sexualization of said body, Vindekarr put it a lot better than I have. I'd hate for us to go back to the days where convent schoolgirls (hehe luckily this was before the time when I attended such an establishment) were forced to bathe in long flannel smocks so they couldn't see their own or anyone else's body. I also find the nudity = bad but violence = fine thing disturbing, admittedly this is more of a problem in the US than in the UK and Europe.


On the other hand, you only have to look at what has happened with some of the more extreme variants of certain female body mods to see a valid reason for banishing the nude images. Lord knows I am no prude, after all the site I own once had a very active thread called the Temple Of The Holy Boobies which at first was meant to rooster a snook at the Puritans (see above.) But then the variants of the HGEC body got more and more extreme, the boobs like barrage balloons, and I HATE to see them, I just cannot imagine what some of the lovers of these extremities would do if faced with a REAL female body. Pictures of some of these I find degrading. In the end, I switched to Robert's Female for Oblivion. So I can certainly see Dark0ne's point and it is why I support his decision.

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Site policy is not up to debate, but as this thread has been largely constructive and civil, it will remain as long as it remains such.


As far as the recent changes go, I'm not sure why everyone is suddenly so offended. There is not 1 single image host out there which allows the upload of explicit and sexual images without either a paid and closed account, or rather excessive restrictions and malware for using their site. Even most web hosts have policies against uploading explicit or suggestive images to the site you have with them, paid or not.


Since its creation, the image share section has been hosting images which would otherwise be unsuitable for hosting anywhere else, and in more recent years, has been continually abused. Although the adult tag was one way to restrict things, unfortunately it has been rarely used. Almost every day since I have become a moderator back in December has there have been at least 1 or 2 images in the image share section which is reported for either not being tagged, being too explicit, or for being flamed for having content which someone objects to. As I understand it, this was also true before I became a moderator. The fact of the matter is that the rules were not being followed, and when they were, there were either people trying to see just how far they could push them (rape, torture, goro, pedophilia, ect), or people who were getting angry for seeing a CG penis. The problem comes in the form of trying to figure out how best to handle these situations... If someone uploads child porn and another user flames them for it, and gets reported making staff aware of the image, who do you ban? If someone has been uploading several images over the past month containing rape, torture and bondage scenes without flagging their images, do you ban them? Do you remove their unflagged images and point to the rule, then spend the next month trying to explain what sorts of content should be flagged because they live in an country other than US/UK with slightly different social norms? Or do you just flag them silently and have a continuous problem on your hands? These were all things which had to be dealt with on a too regular basis, and often it became rather ugly. Given the repetitious nature of the subject matter and the frequency of the problems caused, calling it abuse of the feature is an understatement. Obviously a change was needed, unfortunately whenever you take something away from people, even when there are solid reasons behind it, there is always protest.

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Another irritating side-problem is that ppl that haven't yet put out images talk about it as if they'd do nothing else all day long.

So, first come those actually involved, for they have to change somethin' if required - and then and not before the lurkers...




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Another irritating side-problem is that ppl that haven't yet put out images talk about it as if they'd do nothing else all day long.

So, first come those actually involved, for they have to change somethin' if required - and then and not before the lurkers...




If it wasn't for the random person just cranking out tit shots, one after another, I might be inclined to agree with you. While yes, there are several rather skilled persons who make use of the image share section and create real art, there's also those who have not yet surpassed the "yay boobies" stage of evolution who unfortunately make up the majority. While having some sort of "tasteful nudes are fine" clause might seem like it would solve things, unfortunately that clause is highly subjective... Which is why the supporter section was brought into existence. It gives these artists, many of whom were already premium members, a place to create their art without restriction or the criticisms of every troglodyte that should happen to stroll past.

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