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nude images should it stay or should it go now



48 members have voted

  1. 1. should nude images go?

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Personally I have no objection to images portraying nudity. Sexual images on the other hand have their place and that's NOT HERE.!! A simple tasteful or in context full or partial nude is fine. A man or woman bathing in a river or lake.. semi or fully nude is not evil or wrong and most of us are adult enough to handle it.. outright pornographic stuff tho has no place here and should be kept out.


Just my opinion...

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wHY IS not , explain to me why outright pornography mod´s have no place here?


It's because some of us really don't want to wake up in the morning and be greeted with someone's picture of a sex mod along with our coffee.

Edited by myrmaad
This is not the place to debate religion so the reference was removed.
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It has to do with a fundamental shift in the expectations and relations of the today players to the games as such and a rapidly dwindling acceptance for an original playing concept of the game designers that was and still is everything but a soda pop book. Times have changed for the people have changed. I'd almost say:

The age of the players of old is over - the time of the consuming users has come!



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I had a bit of a scout around today and its reversed my opinions on this matter. I dont beleive nudity is harmful in any way. But I think a porn crackdown is needed as far as the nexus goes. Simply because it feels like one in two mods/images is some huge busted horror shoving its breasts into the camera POV. This is a site for pmods, pornography is not modding.


What offends me is the images themselves. They're usualy just a close up of either a women's crotch or breasts, usualy from "double melons" or GUTS, what offends me is just how many of the damn things are on this site, and that people feel required to upload these images in the first place. I have nothing against nudity, as per my previous posts nudity has a major part to play as an artistic device. But this isnt art, its something all together more pathetic. Vote changed.


I personaly think RedVex is completely right. Nude screenshots are fine. Pornography isnt. She isnt being a prude for saying that, or old fashioned. Would you like it if half the images on television were close ups of t-posed AGHEC'ed female nudes? Because the way necus is going we could well end up with half the mods here being pornomods. And I for one do not want to see that happen. The point of Nexus not so that people to turn mods into pornography of such laughably poor quality to make you sick. Its to showcase, spread, and allow coment on mods. Modding community and ultralow grade animated porn are not the same thing, and I sure as hell hope they never are.


If you want porn then go on the internet and find it for yourself. Dont colonise other sites with it. Porn is a dislikeable part of humanity. True prudes think of it as a disease, and the way its taking of Nexus image share, you couldnt fault them for seeing the similarity. I tolerate nudity, but I think we need to crack down on porn on the nexus.


And Butcer, heres some freindly advice since you're new. Tone it down bud. The moderaters here take things very seriosuly, and rightly so. So just be careful how you word what you post, because you've been getting near to trolling a few times, your sig in particular, and here, that will get you nailed to the wall, and I dont want to see another newcomer make that mistake.

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Guess it's neither prudery nor mundane alienness that has caused a growing internal rejection over the years - it's the ongoing successful disappearance of beauty as such (something that is not in the blind eye of the beholder, but to be learned). So it comes to pass that we're in a daily competition on a kind of public scrapyard with :sick: Muppet-stuff on an infinite loop. The consequence is a closing of the ranks, the retreat to an increased importance of products exclusively from the respective friend list, sometimes seen by outsiders in an utmost negative fashion as "thumb-up clubs", although we can exist without any thumb-sucking. Now, both action and reaction have to lead to a breakdown of any sharing of images in the future and I guess we who we're still aiming at beauty (surely without ever reaching it), we will die out first, one frustrated image maker that has lost interest after the other...



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butcer I'm not prudish or old fashioned.. or I'd likely object to even nudity.. which I said I do not... my stand is simple... Nexus is for art... fun and companionship.. a family in ways... nudity is normal and fine.. and tastefully done can be breathtakingly beautiful.The Nexus however is NOT a porn site... there's plenty of those out there... Nexus doesn't need to be one too. .. but nudity or even porno style mods.. fine I have no objection to them. it's displaying pornographic images here that's just soo unnecesary.

Everyone has their own opinions and rights to them. right or wrong...

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I agree with almost all of that.


What I object too is splattering nude images all over the damn site without tagging them as adult. What makes these images obcene is not the nudity of the sensual nature of them. No, they are obcene because some they are the work of idiots who simply download a nude body replacer, screenshot the newly added tits with no effort to add any artistic merit, and then upload it where its most public. And hundred of these are all over the damn place here.


Its time we cracked down on this, hard. This isnt pornography, it has no purpose, its simply putting pictures of breasts in a public place for seemingly no reason. And after seeing them almost everywhere I looked in my scouting trip yesterday, Im not going to pretend I tolerate it.


Nudity has the ability to be a powerful artistic tool. It can be used for pornogrpahy as well. And in science and many other things. But this has no purpose, no reason to exist other than to show a disgustingly cliched and completely uninteresting image to as many people as the poster possibly can. The image isnt obcene, the nudity isnt obcene, its the utter lazyness of the posters and their seeming inability to see how laughably pathetic what they are doing is. This needs to be banned.

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But this has no purpose, no reason to exist other than to show a disgustingly cliched and completely uninteresting image to as many people as the poster possibly can. The image isnt obcene, the nudity isnt obcene, its the utter lazyness of the posters and their seeming inability to see how laughably pathetic what they are doing is.

Yes, that was generally my sentiments on the matter, if however not voiced quite as strongly.

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But this has no purpose, no reason to exist other than to show a disgustingly cliched and completely uninteresting image to as many people as the poster possibly can. The image isnt obcene, the nudity isnt obcene, its the utter lazyness of the posters and their seeming inability to see how laughably pathetic what they are doing is.

Yes, that was generally my sentiments on the matter, if however not voiced quite as strongly.



Whatever these sentiments may be - we're in the minority as is to be seen above...



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hmph, thats what I hate about democracy. No matter how good an idea is, someone will always misunderstand or have an opposing view and think that your idea will cause the sky to fall in.



In this case I think partialy what ios needed is clarification. I dont want nude mods removed, or imposed prudism and modesty-I have no problem with nude mods or skimpy skirts, quite the opposite actualy... Anyway, I think what needs to change is what can be shown in public image share. The problem here isnt nudity, or publicised nudity. For me the problems are the message that porn everwhere is sending about this great site of ours. And the shear ugliness of the images.


You could also argue strongly that this objectifies women-something that goes not only against civil ethics the world over, but is also generaly stupid and immature. Or not because the "women" shown are actualy blobs pixels on a screen being manipulated by an overweight 40 something bald man with the aproach to sexuality of a ten year old.


Whatever your perspective even the most libertarian of you surely must be able to see the reasons why people don't want to log onto nexus and see breasts everywhere. Prudish or not its the best compromise we're ever likely to be able to negotiate-hide the images unless you specificaly want a nude mod-keeps the people who want nude mods happy, keeps people like me who are sick and tired of titshots happy too.


Compromise is the hardest thing to get out of a debate, but its the only way we can realisticaly end this matter without losing a chunk of the nexus' community, one way or another.

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