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Total conversions?


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After looking around the nexus, I noticed there were not many total conversions out for fallout 3. There are not any completed, and i've only found two that are active and one that is possibly abandoned. So I was wondering, are there any TC creators lurking in the shadows? I'm just curious to see if the fallout 3 fanbase is as interested in total conversions as I am.
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The problem with total conversions is the massive amount of work involved. Most people who start one think they have the drive to follow through with it, but after several months of constant work they find it is just too time consuming and drop it. Sometimes someone else picks it up and continues it for a while before giving up.


Instead of doing a TC all at once, try doing a series of smaller mods leading up to the TC. Start with any new races, then add any new clothing, then a few new structures, weapons etc. The complete map is another time sink, so do small parts, then add to it as you go.

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they are very difficult to pull off on this platform. even oblivion, with its huge scene, and the amount of assets available has only really pulled off a couple partial conversions/expansions or not so good almost TCs. Some amazing work. but the time frame is measured in the years, and the man power in the dozens. though most I've seen work are held together by 1 or a few talented modders, who basically do the brunt of the work. How they do this is just magick. :shrug:



it is very difficult to plan for devoting years to a project such as a TC. and its hard to keep the man power chugging away at the work for that long. so most are abandoned after a few months/ 1year.

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I guess your right. Even through my own personal experience I've noticed how time consuming and difficult it is to create a large scale mod. Although, I have lots if time on my hands, and even if it takes one year to create the heightmap, I'll be content with any progress I make.


I'm actualy making alot of progress. It has only been a month or so, and I have completed eight quads of the soon to be, 36 quad heightmap. I must admit, I went through some rough patches, and restarted a few times.

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