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Censorship, government, and education, liberty's death as we know


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I think this is an issue well worth discussing.


Here are some of my points, to get the ball rolling. I grew up in australia, Im about 20ish, went to public school, studied hard, and followed the rules and did the smart thing and portrayed myself as a centrist rich kid of mediocre talents in all ways. I was rewarded with "acceptable grades" and a chunk of IQ.


On the one hand, in australia, anything, and I mean anything, regarding sexuality its absolutely taboo. You think fundamentalist Sharia Islam is strict? try living here. A girl I knew once one day got stuck at a party late and didnt manage to change before school. She was 1 year from graduation and 17 years old, technicaly an adult, but when she walked in the door in a short leather skirt and what was essentialy a bra, and nothing else, the teacher threw a towel over her and told her to "get the hell out, girlfriend" she was expelled later that day and the headmaster gave us a major lecture the next day, saying in no uncertain terms that "for men of your age, uniform violation is unnacptable, walking into this school dressed like a angel stains the honor of this school and will not be tolerated" Likewise, there was no sex education, and trying to get sexualy educated, if you were found out, could put you in big trouble for "accessing pornography".


On the other violence was completely unpunished. A guy tried to shake me down for cash one day, after yelling absue at me for a year, and thinking my lack of response wa sweakness, he finaly decided to try his luck. Luck was not with him, I smashed his balls and went unpunished. Likewise despite the extreme attempted crackdowns on violent video games, history class was full of bloody retellings glorifying the A.N.Z.A.C "legend" and talking up military service and patriotic duty. Worst of all was "ANZAC DAY" when we were all expected to were simbolic poppy badges and comerate the savage battles the australian/new zealand army corp had partaken in in world war two. In honour of my turkish imigrant neighbours and good friends however, I didnt bother with a poppy and asked the history teacher if the turkish side of galipoli would ever be heard-and was given a week of detention for "dishonoring national history and my own family".


Thats educations for you. As for censorship, the local internet service is censored by the federal government, Officialy its to protect and save young children from accidently stumbling across pornography while surfing. But if certain other countries internet censorship is anything to go by, it probably censors, or one day may censor, a great deal more things the government doesnt want you to see. Even in the free west, governments have been accused of misusing this to fulfil their own corrupt little agendas, but what do you people say?

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Wow, Australia sounds like fun.


Where I live, that girl would've been rewarded for showing the incentive to come to school, rather than just skip it due to the circumstances (That's our problem here).

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I would love to post something about this, but I tend to take it to heart. I don't want to get myself in trouble. I'm speaking as a former Marine and someone with a teaching degree, as well as having 2 young children.


I'll just give a cliffnote version:


Censorship: Good in some instances, ridiculous in others.


Government: THe US gov't needs a total reset, everyone must go from the town/city level to the president. Eliminate parties all together and finally make it "for the people by the people" not "get in office and give me money, I'll do what you ask"


Education: In the US is a joke, Fund it or the kids will suffer period...


Liberty: dies every day, when the people of BP oil, the companies on Wall Street can walk away without a scratch while causing the decimation of the lower middle class and poor of this country and in BP's case the eco system of an entire region, there is no liberty. On top of that with things like the Patriot act allowing law enforcement to act as the gestapo did. Not needing any cause to search, seize, investigate, wire tap, any and everything you do... Where does the liberty lie in that?

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Wow, Australia sounds like fun.


Where I live, that girl would've been rewarded for showing the incentive to come to school, rather than just skip it due to the circumstances (That's our problem here).


It isnt. On the one hand you have "alpha male" culture at all levels. Young men are taught, often by the teacher at school, that intellectual and scientific pursuits, of all stripes, are "gay" gay children are often bashed in full view of teachers who dont lift a finger. And you dare'nt stand up for them or you're "gay" aswell. Not only is this pathetic on the grounds of sexual persecution-homosexuality is nothing to fear or hate, you may aswell attack heterosexuals for being straight. But it also gives an example of the sort of culture of violence and bullying that exists all throughout australia at all age levels and financial conditions. Lastly, its pathetic because if, like me you're straight, thwen you'll be "gay" for showing it too, gay is the favoured word of abuse here, I once asked a girl out and got 3 weeks of detention for it. Because here, the girl always officialy "is saying no" even when she phoned me after school to ask if I still liked her and still wanted to go out.


Men and boys arent allowed to show "girly" interest in biology or science, so as a six-foot "meatloaf" who looked like something out of Warhammer yet had the school's highest IQ of the year level, a rabid hunger for scientific and historical knowledge, and interest in a career in dramatic writing and who refused any participation in I was about as gay as it was possible to be, despite being completely hetrosexual and having proved that by being detentionified twice for "unwanted flirtation" that somehow ended in a long and happy freindship with a female of the girlular variety.


Girls on the other hand are only allowed to play "girly sports" that is to say, they arent allowed to do anything strenous. That means while boys get: soccer, hockey, polo, swimming, weightlifting, highjump, longjump, track athletics, cricket and football, girls get tee-ball at which they simply hit a ball sitting on a dias in front of them with a near weightless plastic bat, and soccer on a half sized field.



They are expected to be good at everything boys arent, are expected to NEVER show agressive or violent tendancies, and are expected to NEVER be insane enough to want any sort of romance. But wheras males not obeying "code" were usualy allowed to be beaten, or in my case, locked away in the "special" classroom for people who have "syndrome" on their medrecord, girls transgressions are simply brushed under the rug. Unless they show overt sexual drive, or violent tendancies at which point they are expelled, cant be letting em feel empowered now eh? shocking concept that, feminism. Women here are usualy expected to be rather submissive. They dont usualy get jobs, even if they can, the female minimum wage is lower than the male, and they normaly get about half the pay-per-hour. Legaly speaking, its see no evil hear no evil there is no evil. A women gets assaulted and boohoo, girly gots a black eye. Assaulting a woman usualy sees a fine, nothing more. "poorhouse sluts" usualy dont even gert an investigation.


So no, its not a nice or fun place. Aint been a new law here since federation some hundreds of years ago, at which point we got them all in a big bag from england. That said, and despite this feeling like a rant, I chose australia because its the most universaly corrupt, hipocritical and horrible western bloc nation I can think of without risking "racism" or "nazi-ishness" by going after america, britain france or israel.

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