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Anything like Oblivion?


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HI people, sorry for bad English.


Few days before, I uninstalled Oblivion because I'm bit sick of technical bugs, and I decided to temporarily "pause" playing it. I would like to try another Single Player RPG (except Gothic and Dragon Age) that is similar to TES series (especially Oblivion). So please, if there's any game that you/I can find it interesting, post a link or so.


Thanks in advance.


Your BlackerrR. :thumbsup:

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Dragon Age is said to be the spiritual succesor to the excellent Baldur's Gate series, so if you can stand the dated graphics it's definitely worth looking into. The 4 in 1 boxset with both games and both expansions should be pretty cheap, and all of that together will last you a long time.


It's not like TES at all but it's comparable to Dragon Age.

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There is also a game called TwoWorlds...its not as good as oblivion and it s a 3rd person gaem but its ok...it plays a little squarely and has en emmense ammount of glitches but its descent. The Baldur's Gate series however is AMAZING! If you do buy Baldur's Gate and beat it then i would reccomend Champions of Norath and then the sequeal Champions Return to Arms
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Dungeon Lords is a little older and much more action oriented, but a fun game very similar to Oblivion. I was playing it just before Oblivion was released.




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This is sort of a lame answer, but have you played TES III Morrowind? If you don't mod it then it is quite reliable and is in some respects superior to Oblivion.
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This is sort of a lame answer, but have you played TES III Morrowind? If you don't mod it then it is quite reliable and is in some respects superior to Oblivion.

Well he did say:


similar to TES series (especially Oblivion).
So that sounds like he has played Morrowind as well.


But if I'm wrong and you haven't, you should! :biggrin:

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There's Fallout 3. I haven't played it myself but I hear it's very much like Oblivion.


I have played both extensively and I would say that there is much about Fallout that's like Oblivion and very much that is not. In any case Fallout is a wonderful game in it's own right if you don't mind the modern combat and pseudo-retro technology then it's just fine.




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