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Oblivion CS Autosave


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I'm working on a fairly large mod, but every so often it CTD, leaving me with no save. I've tried turning on the autosave feature in the CS, but every time it tries to save my work I get an error message, and it refuses to save. Does anyone know how to get the autosave to work.


By the way I'm running Windows 7 Professional 64 bit.

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Autosave is stupid and does not work. The reason it does not work is that when you are modding you open windows. Autosave only works when almost all windows are closed.


So what you would need to do is develop discipline to manually save frequently on your own. Perhaps after every successful edit, or cluster of edits.


Another possibility, if autosave does not crash the CS, is to use it as a timer to remind you to manually save. Whenever it tries to save and fails because you are doing what you are supposed to and modding things, finish your current task, close all the extra windows, and manually save.

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I didn't even know that there is an Autosave in Construction Set :huh:


But yes, I usually prefer saving manually too. It's pretty common that your saving corrupts/crashes while saving in Construction Set I think. It happens me sometimes when I try to save a mod for a first time.

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