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Calling All Dungeon Makers

David Brasher

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I just want to ask something... How exactly DO you make snap-to-grid dungeons? Every dungeon I've ever made I've done piece by piece, matching up every seam (which takes hours for a small area), and if there's a better way, I would love to know it. :P
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Along the top of the CS, there's two buttons, side-by-side. One looks like a grid, the other looks like an angle with red fill in it. The grid button snaps the items you move to the grid. Almost all the tilesets function with the default settings for it. You can activate the thing by clicking the buttons, then dragging the parts into place. The only tilesets I've seen which do not function with the default snap-to-grid are the sewers set and the ship interiors (If anyone knows how to work with either, I'd love to know).


Edit: Wow, I need to slow down some.. I just noticed I've gotten half the dungeon built and pathgridded already, and I haven't eaten all day. Emergency food time, I suppose.

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Thought I'd bump the topic with some WIP screens >;]

Here yah go:











It isn't what it looks like though... No undeads ;D

Gonna go back to nuilding now ;]

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Here's some shots of mine.


http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af356/ub3rman123/ScreenShot46.jpg?t=1278437354 http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af356/ub3rman123/ScreenShot43.jpg?t=1278437359


Although I am having some weird problems when viewing from certain angles. http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af356/ub3rman123/ScreenShot47.jpg?t=1278437360


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Aww uberman (am I allowed to spell your name without the 3 in it? ;p ), that just looks awesome. Now I feel my dungeon is crap =.= , thanks xD

Lol, I gotta get back to work ;3

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Muhuhahah. It'll look like crap until I can get that glowy orange thing fixed. I think it's a problem with specular distances. Or HDR. Or Anti-aliasing. It showed up a bit in the CS but I removed it there by relocating some light sources.


And I've still got a lot of work to do.


Did you manage to build the Sancre Tor room by hand? I had to resort to copying it directly from the cell and removing quest bits.

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