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Books: not marked as read till last page..


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Just couldn't find somethihg like that so I humbly ask:


Is there a mod (or can someone do a mod) that mark books as read only when player reach the last page of said book?


You know how it works: player takes a book on a table, book opens and tada! marked as read.. even if the book is closed right away. I always end up browsing all my books and check if I read them all.. sometimes realizing I've already read the book when reaching the end of it.. :laugh:


Just an idea/request..

Thanks for reading


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Sure you can! Have the game check if you linger on the book menu for a minute or so, then mark the book as read if that happens.

But it's not a very exact solution. There's no way to account for a players reading speed, or the length of the particular book. So 1 minute could cause you to open the book, read it in 30 seconds (or way less - I can read most of the in game books in under a minute), and then it isn't counted as read despite having read it. The best way would probably be to use your method but have the time for being read customizable through either an MCM or the console.

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Thanks for the answers both of you..


Yes.. Just delaying that mark thing would be nice.. enough time to close the book.


.. and if it works for skill books too, would be awesome (not spell books..)


Now if only a kind soul will read that and come with a mod.. :ermm:




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I'm fairly certain this is impossible. The game marks a book as read as soon as it is activated. It simply happens too fast for anything to be inserted between the events.


In fact the book is marked as read before the book menu is even loaded.

Edited by lofgren
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I'm fairly certain this is impossible. The game marks a book as read as soon as it is activated. It simply happens too fast for anything to be inserted between the events.


In fact the book is marked as read before the book menu is even loaded.

Which was a point I forgot to mention. It seems to be a hardcoded function. Possibly accessible through an SKSE plugin, though I very much doubt it.

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The closest thing I know of for this is the Sometimes Pick Up Books mod which at least lets you pick up a book without automatically opening and reading it.


Hey thanks.. Got that mod. Will set it up to pick up without opening.. and together with UnreadBooksGlow, it will do (almost) like I want.


Thanks all for answers.. and thanks to modders: seems Skyrim is a sort of hell to work with..

Thanks again.




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Hm, why try to do this with a timer? That seems unnecessarily complicated. One of my mods (pretty sure it's "The Choice is Yours") provides a pop-up when i open a book that provides a quest and allows me to either accept or ignore the quest, and the pop-up occurs each time until I accept the quest. Can a similar thing not also be done in regards to marking a book as read? Each time you open a book you can choos to mark the book as read or not, and until you do there's a symbol or something besides the books name in your inventory that lets you know you've not marked a book as read yet.


If I had any idea how to make a mod like this I would have done so a long time ago.

Edited by Doozerpindan
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