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Middle Earth Mod


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I am making a Middle Earth Mod for Tolkein Fan's enjoyment. I have finished the west of middle earth landmass, made the first half of the Ered Luin(Blue Mountains), have finished the docks of the Grey Havens, Rivendell, the Shire, Bree, the Old forest, Weather Top, and am now working on Moria which no where near is near compleation.(It's too damn big!) I will move on to Rohan next, making Edoras and surrounding towns, and Then Helms Deep. I have plans on making a great Minas Tirith! I have a team of modulers making meshes for me, but I need more. If you are interested in this mod, check out the site with the Height Map, and screen shots. If you are Interested in HELPING ME please IM me, or PM me at the Elder Scrolls offical Forums as that it the forums I most often check. Also take a look at the original post here, and here.


If you are interested in the screen shots and height map, go to the "Oblivion Middle Earth Mod" section, and the "Maps" section of http://lankolf.tripod.com/iconoblivion


Hope you all are as exsited as I am!




Middle Earth Mod is illegal! It cannot be widly distrubuted on a mod data base. The only people that can use the mod in any way shape or form are the team members. I will not accept every person who claims to want to be a team member, only dedicated modders who show quality work. And it's not like faking an orgazim as former MEmod Dev says, becuse it's a huge mod. If you make me some meshes, you will see them in the game, but the quests, story, and most of the rest of the world will be new to you. A MERP(Middle Earth Roleplaying) mod by modders for modders.




EDIT: Merged posts. Please don't bump, it's against the rules here. Thanks.


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  • 1 year later...
Hah, whoops, I didn't actually realise this had been resurrected, I thought it was more recent. :P Should've looked at the date... sigh.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Are you gonna include any of the Middle Earth languages/writing styles? Quenya, Sindarin, Dark Speech, Dwarven, and other languages cannot simply be ignored altogether in a mod like this. If you like, here are some useful links for stuff like that.





Other Stuff:


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  • 1 year later...
COOL! Hey I wanted to ask guys. Is this mod still in work? Cause I visit the MERP homepage regularly and there dosent seem to be any progress at the minute :(. I REALLY hope this mod isn't dead. I love lord of the rings and i saw all your landscapes such as the shire and all and the facegen faces such as aragorn and etc. I'm a silent watcher of this fantastic Total conversation :D :D :D :D.
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