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Sawed-off Shotgun: Request for less uselessness!


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On my first playthrough, I was overjoyed when I discovered my very own sawed-off shotgun. I imagined myself walking through the wastes, blowing apart anything dumb enough to get in my way. Then I discovered it was about as effective at lunging at someone with a pair of nail clippers. It can't even get a critical hit, FFS! Since I am rather useless with the GECK, I would truly appreciate it if someone would make the sawed-off a tad more formidable. I don't mean a god item, but maybe make it better at close range than the Combat Shotgun, more decapitation-y, a speedier reload, and of course, CRITICAL HITS. It's such a classic Wasteland weapon, right up there with the Chinese Pistol (don't get me started) and the tire iron. If someone could help me out, I would be eternally grateful.


TL;DR: Sawed-off Shotgun is less effective than throwing a rock at someone. Please help!

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