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I'm not superstitious. I'm the one known as fearless as I walk on every crack, touch every black cat, walk on graves, looked at every broken mirror and done practically every single thing that could cause bad luck. Guess what happened next, nothing! No broken backs or bad luck, or maybe that is the bad luck :ohmy: by having no bad luck. Oh before I finished, an interesting fact; Did you know that my last name in English means Good luck. Just found out recently and thought of sharing with you good people.
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I'm not superstitious. I'm the one known as fearless as I walk on every crack, touch every black cat, walk on graves, looked at every broken mirror and done practically every single thing that could cause bad luck. Guess what happened next, nothing! No broken backs or bad luck, or maybe that is the bad luck :ohmy: by having no bad luck. Oh before I finished, an interesting fact; Did you know that my last name in English means Good luck. Just found out recently and thought of sharing with you good people.


That would explain it... :unsure:

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Yea but I don't think that last names have anything to do with luck though. It is just coincidence that I have a last name which means good luck in English, nothing more.
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Yea but I don't think that last names have anything to do with luck though. It is just coincidence that I have a last name which means good luck in English, nothing more.


I know, it was just a joke. :wink: ;D

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I have a habit of only putting one screw (or in the case of my current primary desktop, none) back in when closing up a computer after working on it. Superstition, or pragmatism? :biggrin:


I have another habit of rarely if ever letting a computer do something such as update, install software, or run a partition edit (and heck, I used to even insist on watching it boot) on its own without me watching. I also generally do things manually when there is an option to, rather than let the computer handle it (always choose custom option when installing, for example). Superstition, or pragmatism? :tongue:


I am perhaps, very lightly superstitious, but not in the normal four leaf clover-for-luck sense.

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