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Help with creation of CM Partner


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Hi i wanted to start making CM partners, everything works well if i use all vanilla hair,eyes and races however if i use custom hair,eyes or races thats when i have a problem. What happens is when i add the custom CM partner to the game then travel to the location i placed them i get a CTD, then when I go back to the construction set it gives me loads of messages saying can't find the the custom stuff i used and then i click edit on the character and it reverts to a vampire with no hair :sad:


Any help with this problem would be much appricated as I have been trying to get this to work for a few weeks now.


P.S also could someone tell me how to get spells to work in a spell shop. I make the spell then find someone who sells spells, put it in their spell tab but they still don't sell it. Again any help with this problem would be much appricated.

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Follow the instructions in the .doc file that is in your data folder-if you use the CM Partners 2.0.OMOD. When you create a custom CM partner, you need to select your cosmetic/race mod as one of the files the partner will pull data from when you create them in the CS.
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