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BSA help?


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I'm usually the type to figure technical problems out for myself but I need help. Fallout 3 obviously has a different style of file management compared to what I'm used to : Morrowind.


I unpacked every single BSA file from my GOTY edition of Fallout 3 and moved them into their respective folders so that I could overwrite some files to add mods. Ones that specifically replace textures.


My Problem however is that if I leave the BSA files in the data folder then my mods won't run properly and I'm left with Vanilla textures, but if I remove the BSA files then the main menu back ground is glitch-ed and there is no mouse pointer.


I've tried every search and came up with nothing on this. I've tried changing the invalidate old files config to 1 but it still does not work. I would appreciate some help. Thanks.



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All these resources are meant to stay packed in BSA Archives. And like Fonger said, this helps to run the game and your whole system way more smooth, due to the ammount of files which are used (think about more than 12000 textures alone. -> these Archives do have an own file index, for windows it looks like one big file, ...)


Keep all the vanilla files packed as they are. Just use AI Invalidated to tell the engine to use unpacked (modded) files in the Data folder instead files which originary should have been packed in BSA Archives.

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