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Issues with WinRAR and Windows 7

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I too have had the same problem with Windows 7. But alas I have found an answer!


Ok, here's what you do: you go to your control panel and go to system and security> action center> change user account control settings, then slide the bar to never notify. And last reboot your computer.


Problem solved! I hope this helped you, if not, I am sorry.

Enjoy your modding!

NOTE: While this works, it also means that you're now allowing ANY program that gets launched on your rig (via a command line, webpage, or anything else) to run as if you had explicitly given permission for it to do so. Assuming that the account you normally log-on with is an "Administrator" account, that's the level of privilege you are giving to any malicious code that you happen to wander across that's able to convince your system (not "you") that it should start. :ohmy:

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