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Persistant freeze - can you spot something I've missed?


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Are you overclocking by any chance? In my experience, Skyrim absolutely hates even mild overclocking

Just curious...how does Skyrim know if the clock the CPU is running at is an Overclock??


IF you have a 100% Stable OC, Skyrim could give a crap. I have had MY OC running for 3 years, and Skyrim loves it. I-7 2600K (Stock 3.4 ) running @ 4.8 on AIR.

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Stripped everything, reinstalled SKyrim, put back only the minimal mods I had that used to run just fine... and have the same problem.

On the upside, adjusting my grid load settings gets me into Riverwood now (and apparently this is a CTD location for many people with any mods at all, even just one) so I might try a work-around where I start a game in vanilla, quest through that area, then save well outside it and load the save game through mod organiser from there on, showracemenu-ing my girl into the proper style I want. (Or maybe I can make it around Riverwood to hit up Whitehall... that might be possible.)

Seems crazy that I can slow-mo murder a dozen bandits and wolves without issue, but the second I get close to Riverwood... death.

Has anyone had experience with mods through the Steam Workshop being less problematic?

Oh yeah, and also my game is now playing in windowed mode (except you can't actually click on or affect the window) that bleeds onto my second monitor. I suspect that's due to the loading/menu mod I added but as annoying as the taskbar is, I love the new menu way too much to remove it. I'll sort that out later, if and when I can get the actual game to function.

Thanks again to those people who offered suggestions. I'll post progress, if I have any.

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Are you overclocking by any chance? In my experience, Skyrim absolutely hates even mild overclocking

Just curious...how does Skyrim know if the clock the CPU is running at is an Overclock??


IF you have a 100% Stable OC, Skyrim could give a crap. I have had MY OC running for 3 years, and Skyrim loves it. I-7 2600K (Stock 3.4 ) running @ 4.8 on AIR.


Do you ever have anything positive to say?


I didn't say anything about the CPU. I have experienced problems with overclocking my GPUs (Titan SLI with a custom vbios) and Skyrim. Just the other day, I tried a mild overclock which immediately caused water to render improperly (massively ugly glitching) in whiterun. I also experienced similar problems two years ago with a different card (gtx 680 with factory vbios) - overclocks that would work for every other game I threw at it would cause Skyrim to crash.


You answered your own question: "If you are running a 100% STABLE OVERCLOCK". What do we do to ascertain whether something is 100% stable? We run a variety of intensive programs for extended periods of time to see if they crash or produce errors. Ideally, these programs should be a blend of synthetics (eg. prime95, aida64) and real-world programs, because different programs stress the hardware in different ways. Skyrim is a real world program, and like every other program, it will obviously have a breaking point in terms of the overclocking you can get away with. In your case, that breaking point might be 5.0 Ghz, while on a different chip with a different mobo and different OS environment, it will be some other frequency.


Like you, I have never had problems with Skyrim and an overclocked CPU either. But that is completely beside the point. You and I are only two people, and our experiences don't mean s***, because everyone's computer setup is different.

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Removing the static mesh mod & water mod seemed to fix it for a while there. Riverwood no longer CTDs and I got a good couple of hours play out of the game without issue.

Persistent CTD at the fallen tree/chest next to Riverwood though (bwa?) and a current persistent CTD on approach to Whiterun. Removed the Lindsey Stirling main menu replacement music (mostly because I never linger in the main menu long enough to hear it properly) and this had a knock-on effect of stopping the game from running in faux-windowed mode (no idea why) which in turn eliminated the CTD on Whiterun although it did start an infinite load error (in Skyrim world, not interiors) which was fixed with running the 'safety load' mod.

Still had a random CTD later during a dragon fight.

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