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Getting rid of animobjects after animation?


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I hardly can believe that there are more Tankard AOs used than AnimObjectTankard. Because AOs are direct constants (as "payload") in the behaviors. No way around that. And AnimObjectTankard is the ONLY "Tankard" AO in CK as well. If you can see different objects in-game, then there must be some mechanism in the engine which exchanges AO nifs? Hard to believe. But your test is conclusive.


Using the Offset AEs as furniture idles is not possible. THey miss some important AEs which makes them furniture animations. And a rather strange kind of setup in the Ck -> Animations (ActivateChair). So what you do is you use the markers of the furniture objects. But that you can do as well with the idlemarker.


If you have a problem with unequipping AOs in idle markers, then you can add the IdleStop_Loose as an "End" Idle to the Idle marker.


But of course things might act differently from what I assume. Because you have always be aware that you misuse these features, take them out of their original context. So strange things can always happen. But you didn't want to use FNIS ..... :smile:

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Oh no, I'm sorry this lead you to think I don't want to use FNIS - I personally DO use FNIS in my game all the time and am very grateful that you created and uploaded this!.. It changes the game in an amazing way!


It's just that this mod I've been working on is not exactly an animation mod, it just uses animations (a lot of them) but only Vanilla ones. That's why I'm trying not to force additional downloads on potential users - with that idea in mind, I've had to find ways around imposing the use of SKSE or SkyUI too since I'm mostly using Vanilla features (well, not textures, I created a lot of custom textures ;)...).


Yep, I figured that furniture markers to call certain AE may lead to strange behaviors, I tested it on the player but in the end I'm going to use a regular activator in my mod. I'll test it on NPCs as well and if that ends up messing up their behaviors, I'll find anotther way. It may very well work adding an end IdleStop_Loose to the idle marker - I remember a while back trying the same thing on a flute idlemarker though and nothing worked. In the end, I had to use a triggerbox which called a script to make sure the idle would have exactly the same duration as the custom music the NPCs were to play. Idle markers are very poorly documented (that I know of). And again, for many reasons, I did not want to create a quest which might end up conflicting with the many follower mods which are out here...


As a result, I spend endless hours testing, installing, uninstalling, checking the effect in game and in my logs and the script latencies... - but it's ok, it's a way to learn.


Furniture markers are useful though as they do attract "wandering" NPCs a lot more than idle markers do - and funnily enough, adding some Faction ownership to them does not make much of a difference except in quests. Again, in my own clumsy empirical way, I observed how furniture markers worked on activation - both on player and NPCs. Most of the "sit" (ActivateChair animations) furniture markers will register the actor as being in SitState 3, but not all of them. The one I've been using with the IdleOffsetCarryPotServe, though marked as a "Sit" activator, does not trigger a SitState for some reason (I added a debug line in my script systematically calling GetSitState as well as quite a few other debugs) - it does something I don't like though (on player): it changes the camera position - so I'll ditch that option. And as far as Offset animations go, I think I'll stick to that IdleOffsetCarryPot Serve for now - and leave the other Offsets alone... ;)


I know I'll come to creating animation mods for FNIS, I want to - but I'm not there yet. I learned modeling armors and texturing the same way, trying stuff, making mistakes, understanding what I did wrong - or sometimes never understanding but redoing it all completetely and miraculously it worked the second time. A little more than a year ago, I had absolutely no idea how 3DS worked or what the hell all these NifSkope blocks meant. My first animobjects crashed the CK - and occasionally the game (and I think I understand why) - now they don't anymore. I just never upload anything I have not thoroughly tested.


I've played around a few hkx and kf files - but just for experimentation so far...


There are lots and lots of great tutorials around - but still many many more things which we have to understand on our own - I guess we all do at some point.


Anyway, I'm very, very grateful for your kind help, Fore, I could not have hoped for a better "mentor" that Mr FNIS himself, could I?.. ;)




PS. I'll let you know how my experimentations go with this "detoured" furniture marker use...

PPS. Would you mind if I added you as a friend? - I can think of a couple more questions I may have for you at some point but I promise I won't be spamming you ;)

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