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Any mods that you recommend?


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I currently use a lot of mods and are mainly the most endorsed and downloaded. Im wondering if I missed any really good underrated mods out there. As in ones that dont have that many edorsements or downloads with just a couple thousand. Just list me a couple if you know of any and tell me what they do if you dont mind : )

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http://skyrimgems.com/index.html -- Some of the best mods out there, though most are just super popular and may not be "unique" per say.

<link to removed> -- *site not allowed* is a great site as well, though more adult orientated. This link is actually quite a big list of mod sites that I visit regularly to check out some very unique mods that are not uploaded anywhere else!

http://saikik24.tistory.com/ - This is currently my favorite site for really unique things.

I copied and pasted this from another post I just responded too, but I'd definitely check out all the sites that are in the list from the second link. They really open up a ton of cool armors, weapons, followers etc. that aren't on the nexus, or are otherwise hard to find.

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32cm has some great mods, I personally use tamriel reloaded textures and paralax, tamriel reloaded - interiors and immersive roads.



For bodies/skins I use:







How I made whiterun look beautiful, install in this order:

In this order and this order alone:

amidianBorn Whiterun - AmidianBorn Whiterun 2k hires

dawn of whiterun

Perfect whiterun v1_0_2

Jk's Whiterun - Jk's Dawn of Whiterun compatible file

And last, but very important:

Breezehome FullyUpgradable - BFU_Perfect_Whiterun_Patch <<<< Only get this patch, not the main BFU file. It fixes a missing ground texture of perfect whiterun.

Let everything overwrite everything.

Edited by Valkasha
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Well, if you are a big fan of taking screenshots and like high quality textures, (and your computer can handle it) try Skyrim HD or Tamriel reloaded. Both are awesome texture mods.

Also Highly recommending ENB by Boris Vorontsov you can watch some great ENB vs Non-ENB on Youtube, they are performace heavy though.

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SKSE latest version 1.7.1

Safety Load

Stable uGridsToLoad

The entire line of Unofficial Patches by Arthmoor and team





Interesting NPCS




Helgen Reborn

Unremarkable Cave


Skyrim HD - 2K

A Quality World Map

Point the Way

High Quality 3D Map

Hi Res Legible Road Signs


Guard Dialogue Overhaul

Cutting Room Floor

Better Dialogue Control

Autosave Manager


Hope that helps.

Edited by Moksha8088
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