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Elder Scrolls V?


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Something is telling me that they are now spending their time on New Vegas. I don't think we will have new Elder Scrolls game for another 2-3 years. Thats just my opinion.

Maybe someone should bother pointing out that Bethsoft is just handling the distribution for FO:NV, not any of the actual programming, building, or any of that other stuff. Outside of Brink, Bethsoft hasn't been busy with anything in-house for quite awhile now. So why the delay?


My money is that the technology isn't where they need it to be. As is Oblivion already hits the limits of what the 360 and the PS3 can handle in terms of both graphics and processing, and that's the specially optimized console version. Oblivion itself suffered several technical limitations in its creation which led to some of the quests, areas, and events being toned down or removed. As some of these are things which were clearly done and paid for, but had to be scrapped at the last minute (voices) to meet with these limitations, they probably don't want history to repeat.


Ok, so you PC guys are about ready to start screaming at the screen and pointing in a mad rage at your beastly videocard and such... But the sad reality is that console sales is where the money is, and where much of the attention is currently pointed. You won't be finding many more games from popular developers who are not cross-platform, and unfortunately that means having to be stuck with whatever limitations are present in the console. You don't want to hear it, and I'm right there with you, but this is just how it is. Plain and simple, it's a fact of money, and selling the same game in two markets which overlap (meaning people buy twice) is more profitable than sticking with just the smallest one. Maybe one of these days developers will get sick of having to limit their projects based on what you can do on a console, but that day is still far off and will be very brief.

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I did enjoy Morrowind more than Oblivion. Sure it didn't look as nice, but the fact I couldn't fast travel except by Slit Strider (WHY WALK WHEN YOU CAN FLY?), boat or teleport. I end up walking a far ass distance and find some neat places to explore.


Anyways, I got nothing on TES:V, though I would like to see it set in Skyrim. :3

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A Elder Scrolls mmo would be great.

I love my franchise as a rpg tyvm.


Just think if Morrowind went multiplayer? Not changing anything just would be cool to play with other people and explore a dungeon together or fight bosses together. Just party up with someone thats actually playing instead of an a.i. companion, wouldnt that be cool? But you probably want one of those eye-candy companions that you can make them do anything you want...

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A Elder Scrolls mmo would be great.

I love my franchise as a rpg tyvm.


Just think if Morrowind went multiplayer? Not changing anything just would be cool to play with other people and explore a dungeon together or fight bosses together. Just party up with someone thats actually playing instead of an a.i. companion, wouldnt that be cool? But you probably want one of those eye-candy companions that you can make them do anything you want...


Someone has been working on Oblivion multiplayer, I thought morrowind would have something. :/

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A Elder Scrolls mmo would be great.

I love my franchise as a rpg tyvm.


Just think if Morrowind went multiplayer? Not changing anything just would be cool to play with other people and explore a dungeon together or fight bosses together. Just party up with someone thats actually playing instead of an a.i. companion, wouldnt that be cool? But you probably want one of those eye-candy companions that you can make them do anything you want...


Someone has been working on Oblivion multiplayer, I thought morrowind would have something. :/


I've heard rumors, I've even searched it on google and found out some stuff. You would have though that someone has rigged it for multiplayer by now.

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A Elder Scrolls mmo would be great.

I love my franchise as a rpg tyvm.


Just think if Morrowind went multiplayer? Not changing anything just would be cool to play with other people and explore a dungeon together or fight bosses together. Just party up with someone thats actually playing instead of an a.i. companion, wouldnt that be cool? But you probably want one of those eye-candy companions that you can make them do anything you want...


Someone has been working on Oblivion multiplayer, I thought morrowind would have something. :/


I've heard rumors, I've even searched it on google and found out some stuff. You would have though that someone has rigged it for multiplayer by now.


Obviously it's too much work, no one cares enough to try, or someone is keeping a secret from us.

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Even if someone had tried, I doubt they'd be able to get Morrowind to work in multiplayer. I'm surprised people got as far as they did with Oblivion, and that was little more than a dirty hack - and didn't exactly work very well. Writing good netcode is hard enough when the game's designed for it - trying to make that kind of thing work when it's not is often next to impossible.
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Ok, so you PC guys are about ready to start screaming at the screen and pointing in a mad rage at your beastly videocard and such... But the sad reality is that console sales is where the money is, and where much of the attention is currently pointed. You won't be finding many more games from popular developers who are not cross-platform, and unfortunately that means having to be stuck with whatever limitations are present in the console. You don't want to hear it, and I'm right there with you, but this is just how it is. Plain and simple, it's a fact of money, and selling the same game in two markets which overlap (meaning people buy twice) is more profitable than sticking with just the smallest one. Maybe one of these days developers will get sick of having to limit their projects based on what you can do on a console, but that day is still far off and will be very brief.



Nail / hammer / head.


Your right, its all down to cash, after all, they dont make games just because they like to and any game that gets released has got to earn its keep, so they're going to go where the money is.


Thankfully for us PC peeps theres a very talented modding community here whos mods can improve our games and keep us happy, as long as the games are moddable that is.


I was shocked to read the other day that a PS3 only has 256 meg of videa ram, thought they had more than that, I wonder what the next gen of consoles will be like, though I think it will be quite a while before we see them.

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Next gen consoles will probably be all 3D. To think in a few years how much better the graphics may become. My friend had made a joke that soon video games would be so realistic looking, it enhance them we'd have to increase the graphics of real life. It appears we are already trying that with these "HD" glasses I saw on TV once. Made me laugh my ass off.
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