GreyFox77 Posted October 12, 2014 Share Posted October 12, 2014 (edited) (I also went ahead and did the same thing for FurCircletArgonianAA and FurCircletKhajiitAA, so it should work for all player races, right?)Yop. I can't improve the Fur Circlet at the workbench. What else do I need to do to get it to be improvable like the helmet is?Of this I'm not sure, sorry. I just realised I've never modded that aspect of the game's items. EDIT: You could double-check the Keywords section (on the right) at Armor entryare the Keywords of FurCirclet still the same as the ones of ArmorBanditHelmet? Beside that I'm not sure. :/ I can't even find the original mesh of HelmetGO.nif in Armor\Bandit, just body .nifs. Are some folders and/or .nifs hidden or something?Indeed. Files that are included in the .BSA files (in this case Skyrim - Meshes.bsa) can not be browsed with the Creation Kit (as far as I know).However: when trying to point to a standard game .NIF file there is a trick you can use!Make the folder Skyrim\Meshes\Armor\Circlets\.Now, in that folder create a new empty text file. Name it (for the preview of ClothesCirclet07:) Circlet7_GO.nif Now point your World Model to this empty file and press OK.Now you can delete this Cirlet7_GO.nif and the empty folder again. Edited October 12, 2014 by GreyFox77 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IntentionalBlank Posted October 12, 2014 Author Share Posted October 12, 2014 (edited) After discovering that deleting the empty folder and text wasn't a suggestion, but necessary to make it work (had exclamation point no texture) I've successfully changed the inventory preview model from the helmet to the circlet. I've noticed that ArmorFurCirclet has disappeared from the bandit sub category. In fact, it's not listed in any sub category, and can only be found by selecting armor and scrolling through the entire list to the F section and finding it there. I've tried deleting both ArmorFurCirclet and the CircletFurAA addons I made and starting from scratch, making them ArmorBanditCirclet (to match ArmorBanditHelmet) and CircletFurAA (to match ArmorCircletScaled, probably from the mod) but the next time I loaded CK, it was un-categorized again. My remaining problem is that my circlet cannot be improved at the workbench. It can be enchanted, though. (Is the game treating it like a circlet too much in that circlets aren't armor and can't be improved but can be enchanted?) I've also discovered that I'm not getting the full armor bonus from my circlet. I get the armor bonus for wearing all light armor when I equip the circlet, but I don't get the matching set bonus that the fur helmet gives me. Perhaps this issue is related to the ArmorBanditCirclet seemingly losing it's sub-category in Bandit and having no sub-category at all? Edited October 13, 2014 by gimme_mods Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GreyFox77 Posted October 14, 2014 Share Posted October 14, 2014 Going to just bump your thread here to see if anyone else can help, I have no experience with set/armor bonus thingies :/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SnippyChris Posted October 14, 2014 Share Posted October 14, 2014 (edited) Did u add the Tempering Recipe? Check out this Bethesda Tutorial on Customizing Weapons & Armor? Edited October 14, 2014 by SnippyChris Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IntentionalBlank Posted October 14, 2014 Author Share Posted October 14, 2014 SnippyChris,No, I had not. I've never really used the CK before, so I don't how to do.... anything. :blush:I skipped over the crafting recipe in your link (after all, the rest of the Fur Armor isn't craftable) but following the Temper Recipe tutorial enabled me to copy the Temper Recipe for Fur Helmet and apply it to my Fur Circlet. Now it is improvable at the workbench just like the fur helmet (same armor rating before, same 1 Leather cost, same armor rating afterwards.) Thanks for the link! ....unfortunately, that's only one of my two remaining problems solved. Using a base set of Fur Armor (no improvements) and a maxed out 100 Light Armor skill with all Perks applied, my armor rating for shoes, armor, and braces is 102. Adding the Fur Circlet (32 armor) increases it not to 134 as would happen with no perks, but 167. Putting on the Fur Helmet (also 32 armor) increases my rating to 209. It appears as though the Fur Circlet will grant me the Custom Fit Perk's 25% armor bonus for wearing all Light Armor, but not the additional 25% armor bonus for the Matching Set Perk. I don't suppose you happen to know how the CK determines what armor pieces are in what set? (e.g. how the CK knows Glass Amor, Glass Boots, Glass Gauntlets, and Glass Helmet constitute a matched set for the armor bonus.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SnippyChris Posted October 14, 2014 Share Posted October 14, 2014 SnippyChris,No, I had not. I've never really used the CK before, so I don't how to do.... anything. :blush:I skipped over the crafting recipe in your link (after all, the rest of the Fur Armor isn't craftable) but following the Temper Recipe tutorial enabled me to copy the Temper Recipe for Fur Helmet and apply it to my Fur Circlet. Now it is improvable at the workbench just like the fur helmet (same armor rating before, same 1 Leather cost, same armor rating afterwards.) Thanks for the link! ....unfortunately, that's only one of my two remaining problems solved. Using a base set of Fur Armor (no improvements) and a maxed out 100 Light Armor skill with all Perks applied, my armor rating for shoes, armor, and braces is 102. Adding the Fur Circlet (32 armor) increases it not to 134 as would happen with no perks, but 167. Putting on the Fur Helmet (also 32 armor) increases my rating to 209. It appears as though the Fur Circlet will grant me the Custom Fit Perk's 25% armor bonus for wearing all Light Armor, but not the additional 25% armor bonus for the Matching Set Perk. I don't suppose you happen to know how the CK determines what armor pieces are in what set? (e.g. how the CK knows Glass Amor, Glass Boots, Glass Gauntlets, and Glass Helmet constitute a matched set for the armor bonus.)Glad one issue was fixed, I am not sure about the Ck's selectiveness, I hope another helpful person in our community could help you further. But definitely use that CK site it will improve your skills tremendously! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IntentionalBlank Posted October 14, 2014 Author Share Posted October 14, 2014 I just bookmarked the main page, will definitely use it as a resource should I try modding anything else. Thanks again! A quick Google search revealed that the material type apparently does it. The Perk's files scan for ArmorMaterialXXX (XXX being Glass or Ebony or whatever) and if each of your armor pieces has the same ArmorMaterialXXX, you get the 25% armor bonus... which means that Fur Armor, having no materials, shouldn't count at all, as none of the vanilla armor pieces have any ArmorMaterialXXX. I have no idea how it's getting the bonus anyways (as it clearly is) which means I have no idea how to fix my Fur Circlet to be included. The sad thing is, I could have picked almost any other armor and had it working by now... So!To anyone reading this thread: Do you know how the Fur Armor set benefits from the Matching Set Perk despite not having any ArmorMaterial Keywords? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lofgren Posted October 14, 2014 Share Posted October 14, 2014 It uses the VendorItemAnimalHide keyword as its material type, I believe. You can double check it by looking at the matching set perk and comparing the keywords there to the ones in your armor. You'll also need the ArmorHelm keyword I believe, since Matching Set checks to make sure you are wearing all four pieces and only applies the bonus to pieces with the proper keyword. Really, you should just make sure that you all of the same keywords as the original item. (You can copy and paste all of an item's keywords by right-clicking in the keyword field and selecting copy/paste stack.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IntentionalBlank Posted October 14, 2014 Author Share Posted October 14, 2014 Well, I just found the Matching Set Perk and it's conditions, but none of them are VendorItemAnimalHide. (Not pictured: A(rmor)M(aterial)Forsworn, AMImperialLight, AMPenitus, AMMS02Forsworn, ArmorNightingale, AMThievesGuild, AMThievesGuildLeader, and ArmorDarkBrotherhood.) I don't think its checking for a keyword in the Fur Armor's case, as when I created my Fur Circlet, I copied the Fur Helmet as a base and (I just double-checked to be sure) except for it's Model and World Model, it's identical to Fur Helmet in every way. It has the same four Keywords (ArmorHelmet, ArmorLight, VenorItemAnimalHide, and VendorItemArmor.) Do you think it would be safe to add VendorItemAnimalHide to the Matching Set Perk's conditions (so it'll count Fur Armor twice, but the second time include Fur Circlet) or would that break something? (Like make Fur Armor with Fur Helmet count for the bonus twice and give me a 50% armor bonus instead of 25%?) TL;DRNone of the four keywords in Fur Helmet (or my Fur Circlet) are in the Matching Set Perk conditions. My Fur Circlet was copied from Fur Helmet and aside from looks is identical. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lofgren Posted October 14, 2014 Share Posted October 14, 2014 Are you using the Unofficial Patch or any other mod that might alter the Matching Set perk? (Honestly I hate this stupid perk in part for just this reason.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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