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"simple" requst?


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Hi all,

I've seen a few of the "mini" firearms modded to fire mini nukes preventing the need to carry around the 30+ lb fatman.


I have an alternate idea for this need.


IF you pimp out your explosives skills with perks etc you can get the nuka grenade to approx 1000 damage, or 1/2 of a mini nuke.

We all know the behemoths are the damaging kings and take 2 mini nukes to drop.

My proposal and "want" is a "dart" gun that the schematic requires two of the tubing to make and it fires Nuka grenades at approx same range as the fatman.


Reason for this mod, Lore friendly alternative to the fatman that allows you to get the added range needed when dealing with a behemoth and that you can still drop in about 4 hits



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Maybe a dart gun with an extreemly lethal poison ?

But yeah, I like blowing up things aswell and I agree. It would be fun to use. Wait maybe I can add some ideas too.

Remember the mod CRAFT ? This could use that as a base, like a plug-in.


Laser granade/mine

This could use both of the pc's explosive and energy weapons skills. Something like a flashbang, but with strong laserbeams.

-a pulse granade (I just like the model) /or a pulse mine

-a laser pistol (this will use parts from that, so it's obvius)

-an energy cell, or a fission battery

-a camera (use the lences from it, to mutiply the effectiveness)



This would be a frag granade modded with the contents of a mini-nuke. You could throw this, but with caution, it could kill you if it's to close to you when it explodes.

-A frag granage

-A mini-nuke


Headshot granades/mines

Not real headshot, but hey, what are you expecting when you take some explosives and stuff it with ralway spikes ? lol

-One frag granade/mine

-5 ralway spikes



What ? This should be in the vanilla FO3. Every granade has it's mine wariant, why leave out this ?

-Almost the same, but change the tin can to a luch box, and add some wonder glue to prevent the liquid oozing out.


Um, if they're no good, than just ignore my comment.

Cheers !

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