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Was the apocalypse only in US or Worldwide?


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I'm not sure FO3 is in a totally alternative reality logical statistics predict (I hate pure statistic dudes they normally is less than 50% to any truth's whatsoever), however I sure understand and have no what so ever contradict thoughts of things that happened in still cold war approach reality and the real country actions to contradict or be pro active to to preserve national interests. Still to put that humans is not fully aware and in charge of how to properly fully DO things right is the sad things of BP in Gulf of Mexico. Also there is a in FO3 perspective bad statistic believe in what nature can achieve regardless of humans! It might be that the world prosperous future is not by God foreseen ruled by Americans only and no one else! To put dear Nathan of Megaton in charge of the truth. For sure this is IRONY NOIR! FO3 is a Game and to push real facts into it might put things to a point that neither I or you want to really think about. Actually FO3 was intended as an alternative way of future as of Bethesda predicted, are you not pleased by how they thought it all ended? I'm not I think it is to dark and self destructive but who am I? Statistically I'm totally wrong, everyone else right, everyone satisfied?
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I'm not sure FO3 is in a totally alternative reality logical statistics predict (I hate pure statistic dudes they normally is less than 50% to any truth's whatsoever), however I sure understand and have no what so ever contradict thoughts of things that happened in still cold war approach reality and the real country actions to contradict or be pro active to to preserve national interests. Still to put that humans is not fully aware and in charge of how to properly fully DO things right is the sad things of BP in Gulf of Mexico. Also there is a in FO3 perspective bad statistic believe in what nature can achieve regardless of humans! It might be that the world prosperous future is not by God foreseen ruled by Americans only and no one else! To put dear Nathan of Megaton in charge of the truth. For sure this is IRONY NOIR! FO3 is a Game and to push real facts into it might put things to a point that neither I or you want to really think about. Actually FO3 was intended as an alternative way of future as of Bethesda predicted, are you not pleased by how they thought it all ended? I'm not I think it is to dark and self destructive but who am I? Statistically I'm totally wrong, everyone else right, everyone satisfied?


It's not. If you go to Fallout 3/Wiki it gives you a timeline of the Fallout Universe. This timeline, and your fallout 3 guide book (Read the third page.) states that Fallout is exactly like our universe until after WW2. After that, it splits into an alternate universe. And to answer this threads question, yes the apocalypse is Worldwide, if you watch the prologue, the narrator says: "In the year 2077, after millenia of armed conflict, the destructive nature of man could substain itself no longer. *The world* was plunged into an abyss of Nuclear fire and radiation."

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Is that right? Thats interesting. So, do you know who bombed each other first? Meaning, the Chines or US?


According to Fallout/wiki, evidence from a holotape indicates China was the first to lose it.

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I'm new to Fallout - I'm in love with Fallout 3, can't wait for New Vegas, and - best of all - JB HI-FI is selling a pack of Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics for just AU$20!!!


Anyway, I don't know the FULL plot. Did the apocalypse only occur in the US? Becuase I haven't heard about any Vaults Vault-Tec built OUTSIDE of the US. Then again, I don't hear about people evacuating the US.


I'm not going to ruin the Fallout 3 plot for you, but I will explain all of the events in the Fallout universe that lead to the Great War. I'm an expert.


As I mentioned before, our universe and Fallouts splits after the events of WW2. From there, our universe proceeds until this day, while the Fallout one undergo's rapid changes. Within decades, they develop flying cars, advanced technology never seen, and other great wonders, and no one did it better than the U.S. The United states, before it was nuked, actually consisted of thirteen common wealths, not states, so the American flag had one star in the middle, and twelve others circling around it. Anyway, all the great discoveries of the planet happened in the U.S., which angered a lot of nations especially China. The U.S. and China had the greatest resentment between each other than any other nation, and as the years went by, it only grew. But it wasn't until the 21st century that conflicts trully began to rise. As fossil fuels began to run dry, the nations periodically fought amoungst themselves for oil, natural gas, and coal, while the scientists were struggling to find alternative ways for the energy crisis. Other problems of the day were overpopulation in America which surpressed even the population of China's, and the increase of terrorism worldwide. Finally, after many arguments, the United Nations disbanded, and every country was in it for themselves. Somewhere in the 2050's, the Resource Wars began, which was a World Wide War (Some argue it was WW3) over fossil fuels. This war caused China to invade Achorage Alaska as the last of the oil on Earth remained here in U.S. control. America anexed Canada as a result, and fought against the Chinese for many years until in 2076, they finally drove them out. By this year, America was deeply hated for it's leadership in Economy, Population, Army, Navy, and Airforce, and feared that as a result, they would be destroyed by nuclear warfare. After the Resource Wars began, a company known as Vault-Tec Facilities (Known for Creating the G.E.C.K and the Pipboy), began building underground Vaults, but they weren't meant to house the population if bombs were to fall. The Vaults were orginally built by Vault-Tec to test how people would react to the stresses of staying underground and was an American founded and funded program which is why Vault-Tech only built the Vaults in America, that and World conflicts. The Vaults wouldn't be used for what they were orginally thought to be used for until Vault-Tec's plan backfired the day the bombs fell, and those who signed up for the test but didn't know it, survived. The hotest topics of the year before 2077 where severe inflation in the U.S. and other places, increasing tensions between nations, the almost total depletion of fossil fuels, cars WorldWide stopping in the streets because of the lack of gas, the fear of Nuclear war, and even aliens landing on Earth. Eventually, almost a year later, on the morning of October 23rd, 2077, the Chinese supposedly nuked America. Shortly thereafter, nations around the globe launched Nuclear weapons at themselves, a conflict known as the Great War. In only lasted two hours, before it ended with the fall of Civilization, and in the coming years, most plant life died out, most of the animals went extinct while the rest became terribly mutated, and most of the planets clean water was undrinkable. Earth turned barren, and the little humans that survived either turned into gouls, died, struggled for survival, or remained inside their Vaults until resources ran out, the population or the Overseers went insane, the reactor burned out, the water became undrinkable, radiation leaked in, the Vault was breached, either by natural or living forces, or until they decided they wanted to leave. Kudos if you read all of that.

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I'm new to Fallout - I'm in love with Fallout 3, can't wait for New Vegas, and - best of all - JB HI-FI is selling a pack of Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics for just AU$20!!!


Anyway, I don't know the FULL plot. Did the apocalypse only occur in the US? Becuase I haven't heard about any Vaults Vault-Tec built OUTSIDE of the US. Then again, I don't hear about people evacuating the US.


Read the last post from Keanumoreira.


It explains your question in great detail. The only thing I have to add to it, is that the bombs falling from the Chinese were a great surprise to the American public. Only those on the east coast had any "large" amount of forewarning at all. The West Coast got hit first, with the East Coast following.


When the bombs launched, it went worldwide, with nuclear armed allies of both factions joining in, for a world-wide holocaust.


This is all in Fallout 3 in-game data and holotapes.

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Everywhere got hit, yes, maybe except minor nations and maybe Australia, however we don't know their current stations. Although, since there's a Commonwealth somewhere, I think Europe won the European-Middle East wars and developed. Other nations might have gone back to their glorious days aswell, who knows?
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Although, since there's a Commonwealth somewhere, I think Europe won the European-Middle East wars and developed.


Nah, the Fallout bible says that the war ended in a stalemate after a limited nuclear exchange, because all the middle eastern oil wells ran dry. Since there was no point in continuing the fight any longer, the European union withdrew and dissolved into their component nations, fighting each other over the remaining resources they could lay their hands on.


Apparently, seeing the Chinese and the American missiles being launched, the rest of the world panicked and attacked each other too, not knowing who or what was attacking or being attacked. Hence the global "nuclear firestorm."

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the apocalypse is techincally just in the us beacuse its alternate universe where china bombs the us and the us is destroyed so not techniacally the whole world just the us
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the apocalypse is techincally just in the us beacuse its alternate universe where china bombs the us and the us is destroyed so not techniacally the whole world just the us

China and the rest of the world are destroyed too in the ensuing global nuclear bombardment. According to the Fallout Bible, no one knows where the first missiles were launched from, but every nation saw them and every nation launched their own... Mass panic and the world ended in two hours.

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