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Adult Rating in mods, SPB's mod deletions


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I left the original post but it's supposed that the user freely deleted the files.

There are some points/questions to clarify.

I can't not modify the title in order to change the topic discussed.



A report of massive file deletion.



As far as I know the files have been deleted by the author because of a "temporal ban" applied to the user related with the application of new rules he/she didn't know about.

He/she has been force to delete the files in order to be able to continue using the account. Exceptional case provoked by the language and a relatively "fast" change of the rules.


SPB Tweaked HGEC Body Official comment topic

Source: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/99660-spb-tweaked-hgec-body/page__view__findpost__p__1933081



In this case, the post I "chose" to write this was not the more appropriate, I'm sure it contained explicit sexual contain uploaded by the author. Anyway the reasons exposed are applied to all the files. Many of them without that content.






































35 files.


If it's really necessary I could upload some images from the mods I downloaded. Previews provided by the author and full descriptions. That would prove with images what I'm talking about.


In the following sentences I use some synonymous and meanings:


delete=force the user to delete

Mature content= http://guides.gamepressure.com/theelderscrolls4oblivion/.%5Cgfx%5Cword%5C102170984.jpg

Sexual content= nude=explicit sexual reference=images containing nude or sexual acts= http://chorrol.com/files/508/oblivion_topless.jpg

Not sexual content= http://dibujos-animados.org/wp-content/gallery/wallpapers-la-sirenita/la-sirenita-wallpapers-11.jpg=http://image01.wiki.livedoor.jp/o/p/oblivion_jp/c0a5e80c.jpg.=screen-shoots of girls with a great personality=girls wearing clothe that anyone could see in a beach=...


I really want an explanation with clear reasons -because I'm a bit silly-, and if possible a change in the actions and a rectification.

An explanation to A TYPE2. Desirable that he/she understands it.

A exposure of how Tesnexus is accepting mature content and not mature content but something that my grandmother -with 200 years old- could considerate inappropriate.

Any plan related to a change in the rules.


In answer to the reason due to which multiple SPB's mods have been deleted.



-Considering he/she is Japanese and the only reason to upload this was in order to share (ratings was disabled) anyone doubts he/she cared about that.


From all the files:

"Most of all, I'm sorry, I'm not good at English."


Anyone doubts that he/she was able to understand fully the rating options & rules.



-I didn't see any explicit sexual contain in many files which have been deleted; at least +30 files have been deleted in this user account.

+20 without sexual content. Unquestionable.

5-10 questionable.


In this particular case there was sexual contain. Here applies the common sense I try to explain.


In others (most of them): I didn't see that because of its nonexistence.


(ex. -I downloaded- http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22674; the file is deleted by the user, in fact the moderator/admin has deleted the file in an indirect way)



Not sure what means sexual contain here, but many of these files only contained armors, clothes & screen-shoots for/with girls with boobs uploaded by the author. Not nude, at most underwear. Not +18 neither +15 content.


Disney distributes content -for children- with that type of "sexual content": Ariel, The Little Mermaid.



The main page of tesnexus: http://www.tesnexus.com/index.php (hot file section) shows sexual contain according to that rule. (today for ex.)

The main page shows images which links to:

Mod R18PN 07 - Mina Armor: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=32627

SG Attractive: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=32599

These mods contains the same content -not sexual content, not +18, not +15, etc...- uploaded by the author as multiple SPB's mods deleted.


Unfortunately the rules doesn't say anything about that:




-Many users upload Screen-shoots with explicit nudes & other sexual contains in mods which have not any sexual content.

Obviously we know the author has fully responsibility of the actions done by other users.

And obviously we know that he/she will be connecting frequently in order to delete/report these images if that is possible.


On the other hand the rules doesn't say anything about that:




-The author could not connect again to re-upload the files due to the way he/she has been treated.


-The author could not connect again to re-upload the files because of the language problems, the warning of banning, ...


-The author could not connect again to re-upload the files because of ...



-If the file has been deleted is because of the revision done by an admin or moderator and the posterior warning/ban to the user.

If the admin/moderator is able to understand the above reasons exposed, the admin/moderator is able to rate the file by him/her-self and add the "sexual content" tag to the mod instead of deleting the files, ban temporarily the user or force him/her to delete the files.


In those supposed to have sexual content:

So if the solution is simpler -rating it- and it would be the most logical action, why deleting the files instead of maintain them in the web? (delete=force the user to delete)

Remember that the fault in these cases was the rating, not the content. Adult content, not illegal content.

Even if those (1,2, 3 or 5?) files are deleted, it could be understandable but not logical.


But what about the others?


In those which are not applied that:

I'm seeing a serious problem. Delete the irony of some of my written words and see the criticism with sense.


The user has been forced to perform an action without reasons sustained neither by rules nor by logic.

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A report of massive file deletion.



As far as I know the files have been deleted by the author because of a "temporal ban" applied to the user related with the application of new rules he/she didn't know about.

He/she has been force to delete the files in order to be able to continue using the account. Exceptional case provoked by the language and a relatively "fast" change of the rules.


SPB Tweaked HGEC Body Official comment topic

Source: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/99660-spb-tweaked-hgec-body/page__view__findpost__p__1933081



In this case, the post I "chose" to write this was not the more appropriate, I'm sure it contained explicit sexual contain uploaded by the author. Anyway the reasons exposed are applied to all the files. Many of them without that content.






































35 files.


If it's really necessary I could upload some images from the mods I downloaded. Previews provided by the author and full descriptions. That would prove with images what I'm talking about.


In the following sentences I use some synonymous and meanings:


delete=force the user to delete

Mature content= http://guides.gamepressure.com/theelderscrolls4oblivion/.%5Cgfx%5Cword%5C102170984.jpg

Sexual content= nude=explicit sexual reference=images containing nude or sexual acts= http://chorrol.com/files/508/oblivion_topless.jpg

Not sexual content= http://dibujos-animados.org/wp-content/gallery/wallpapers-la-sirenita/la-sirenita-wallpapers-11.jpg=http://image01.wiki.livedoor.jp/o/p/oblivion_jp/c0a5e80c.jpg.=screen-shoots of girls with a great personality=girls wearing clothe that anyone could see in a beach=...


I really want an explanation with clear reasons -because I'm a bit silly-, and if possible a change in the actions and a rectification.

An explanation to A TYPE2. Desirable that he/she understands it.

A exposure of how Tesnexus is accepting mature content and not mature content but something that my grandmother -with 200 years old- could considerate inappropriate.

Any plan related to a change in the rules.


In answer to the reason due to which multiple SPB's mods have been deleted.



-Considering he/she is Japanese and the only reason to upload this was in order to share (ratings was disabled) anyone doubts he/she cared about that.


From all the files:

"Most of all, I'm sorry, I'm not good at English."


Anyone doubts that he/she was able to understand fully the rating options & rules.



-I didn't see any explicit sexual contain in many files which have been deleted; at least +30 files have been deleted in this user account.

+20 without sexual content. Unquestionable.

5-10 questionable.


In this particular case there was sexual contain. Here applies the common sense I try to explain.


In others (most of them): I didn't see that because of its nonexistence.


(ex. -I downloaded- http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22674; the file is deleted by the user, in fact the moderator/admin has deleted the file in an indirect way)



Not sure what means sexual contain here, but many of these files only contained armors, clothes & screen-shoots for/with girls with boobs uploaded by the author. Not nude, at most underwear. Not +18 neither +15 content.


Disney distributes content -for children- with that type of "sexual content": Ariel, The Little Mermaid.



The main page of tesnexus: http://www.tesnexus.com/index.php (hot file section) shows sexual contain according to that rule. (today for ex.)

The main page shows images which links to:

Mod R18PN 07 - Mina Armor: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=32627

SG Attractive: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=32599

These mods contains the same content -not sexual content, not +18, not +15, etc...- uploaded by the author as multiple SPB's mods deleted.


Unfortunately the rules doesn't say anything about that:




-Many users upload Screen-shoots with explicit nudes & other sexual contains in mods which have not any sexual content.

Obviously we know the author has fully responsibility of the actions done by other users.

And obviously we know that he/she will be connecting frequently in order to delete/report these images if that is possible.


On the other hand the rules doesn't say anything about that:




-The author could not connect again to re-upload the files due to the way he/she has been treated.


-The author could not connect again to re-upload the files because of the language problems, the warning of banning, ...


-The author could not connect again to re-upload the files because of ...



-If the file has been deleted is because of the revision done by an admin or moderator and the posterior warning/ban to the user.

If the admin/moderator is able to understand the above reasons exposed, the admin/moderator is able to rate the file by him/her-self and add the "sexual content" tag to the mod instead of deleting the files, ban temporarily the user or force him/her to delete the files.


In those supposed to have sexual content:

So if the solution is simpler -rating it- and it would be the most logical action, why deleting the files instead of maintain them in the web? (delete=force the user to delete)

Remember that the fault in these cases was the rating, not the content. Adult content, not illegal content.

Even if those (1,2, 3 or 5?) files are deleted, it could be understandable but not logical.


But what about the others?


In those which are not applied that:

I'm seeing a serious problem. Delete the irony of some of my written words and see the criticism with sense.


The user has been forced to perform an action without reasons sustained neither by rules nor by logic.



I can explain this as I have spoken with him. He has taken the files down because he fears that the nudity ban in image share will be applied to the pictures on mod pages as well - it is just a question of "when". so in order to protect himself from being banned again (he was banned and it was later overturned), he has decided to take the files down.


Here is what he himself said:

Thank you for your kind explanation.

I know the new rules are not applied to mod files.

But considering why sexual images are prohibited in "Image Share", I guess that there may be same kinds of risks in the mod file section. For example, boys or girls may watch sexual images intentionally.

So I removed my files which include such risks.

I think this action may be excessive or unnecessary. But it is very cheap in compensation for my obvious safety.


Best regards.




Sad when one of the better modders here does this to cover his backside. I doubt he'll ever share mods here again.

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Images in the image share that predate the new image share rules will not get anyone banned. And I do not believe it is a question of when, I am firmly convinced the no-nudity rules will never be applied to the mod section.


And even if they were, any mods already on there would be exempt, just as pre-existing images were exempt.

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Images in the image share that predate the new image share rules will not get anyone banned. And I do not believe it is a question of when, I am firmly convinced the no-nudity rules will never be applied to the mod section.


And even if they were, any mods already on there would be exempt, just as pre-existing images were exempt.


I tried to explain that to him, but he still cut and ran.


All I can say is "OUR loss"

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...Wow. I guess at this point, I'm guessing that the only thing left to do is point him to an alternative, like making a fc2 blog? I don't know, it just seems like there's little left to do...


Otherwise, I take it this is a lesson learned for all of us: When making rule changes, consider the severity of the change, what and who it affects, how much time it will take users to adapt, and what kind of punishment should be dealt as time passes.


Sad that had to happen though. Really wished there was a different outcome...

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Sad that had to happen though. Really wished there was a different outcome...

As do most people... Several explanations have been given in an attempt to clarify the issue, however they don't seem to have been understood, or there is some other issue here.


None of their mods were removed by staff, and thus far we have made every effort. I've even tried a simple "You will not be banned for nudity in mods or images uploaded with mods." and tried to assure them that the rules regarding mods won't be changed like the image share has, but no luck.

Edited by Vagrant0
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IMHO (hope the staff doesn't get upset with me for this) going directly to banning for one image (even one bad comment, except piracy or use of explicit vulgar language, in those cases i understand and it is necessary) is overkill, firstly at least one warning/infraction should be handed (which should be able to disappear after a long period of time, say one year) and if within that year the user isn't careful then ban. As for SPB he will most certainly be missed :(.
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Who can say what will be changed tomorrow? You? Me? The weather frog? It should be clear that an artificial 2-class understanding as it is in the case of the nude question won't last that long and that the first flood is usually not the last but the sign for the floods to come - the classical dam break. In so far I understand the regrettable reaction as consequent, and this without being involved.
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One of my dearest friends is a professional Japanese translator and wrote him a note regarding this issue in Japanese. I assure you he's aware of the rules, and we've done everything we can to reassure him, so beyond that, this is his choice, and thus, now a private matter.
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Thanks Vagrant0 & myrmaad for the explanation. I'm sure that you and other staff members tried to explain him/her that but the user would not delete it without reasons, that's clear too.



I have added an edition to the first post, because I can not understand this:


And other point I'm not fully able to understand: Oblivion is rated as a game with mature content in any official web.


If underage users can't (or shouldn't) buy & play the game because of the mature content, tesnexus is a web with explicit +18 diverse content.


Game=+18 ----> Web of the game with content related to the game= +18

(+18 in my country, depending on the location)


I can not understand why there are classifications of mature & non-mature content when the entire web should be consider as mature content due to obvious reasons. The register of underage users (age depending on the location) should be prohibited.


I will not discuss about what is porn, +18 content, if it's good, if it should be permitted in "Y" section of the web, etc... but for me is not logical that Tesnexus is not considered an entire mature web.

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