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Adult Rating in mods, SPB's mod deletions


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From what I gather from quickly browsing this thread is that it went from talking about SPB's choice to remove some of his mods to complaining that the Nexus' rules aren't strict enough regarding mature content and an underaged user's ability to access them.


To that, I suggest the thread's name be changed to the following:


Adult Mods

How we can destroy the Nexus to keep kids from accessing them.


When, all of the sudden, did people suddenly take up the crusader's blade against the Nexus and tell them to care more about what kids do? Who cares?


Do you want to see the Nexus be turned into a paysite to keep children out? Do you want to see the Dark0ne rewrite the rules so adult mods are no longer allowed? I sure do not want either of these things.


Fact of the matter is, if kiddies are downloading adult mods, they're probably installing them, and it's only a matter of time before mommy or daddy walking in on them while their character is having a bad case of Estrus or doing their best to persuade a guard to let go of a fine. XD


When that happens, their parents will choose what to do with their game. Either way, it won't effect the way the Nexus runs. Leave the site the way it is: it runs fine, and if kids are accessing adult files... it's not your responsibility to do something about it, it's their parents'.

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That poem -Jabberwocky- is supposed to be a geniality in its style, if that has any sense -considering that the poem itself hasn't it-.




@myrmaad: Not related with this but there is any problem in the forum known at this moment ?

I have looked for any info about my problems -and a topic relatively new- without success.


-This specific topic -for ex.- doesn't show me the page 4 unless I access to them clicking in the "last post info" link. Any comment after my last comment is invisible for me unless I make a trick.

-PM appears to count wrong, I always have X+1 PM according to the bar at top. The same in the User info and Tesnexus web.

-PMs read are not shown as read and appear again as new messages.

-Forum and Tesnexus need pages to be reloaded in order to successfully login after adding user/password.



I have had success reading the lasts posts modifying the link by myself with a trick so I will explain you the misunderstand.


My meaning of logic is really different than yours or that which is used by any person in the world, but that's because of my way of thinking.

Anyway the right/obligation you commented -related with the posts- for me is valid if the reason given is valid. It Is not an order, I was only saying that it is useless if we consider the objective of the topic.


When I wrote the last post was referring to something specific.


In my opinion going here and ask users to stop writing about that known discussion is useless because I only created the topic:

1. To clarify a question related with an specific case.

2. To offer a suggestion related with the rating in the web. Not arguing/discussing about that known topic by others which provokes so disturbance but an specific suggestion to change something specific.


The topic title and subtitle: Adult Rating in mods, SPB's mod deletions @Admins, moderators


The question & the suggestion was sent to the staff -in this case you and Vagrant-; as anyone is able to read, the topic I created is really specific and explains my intention. I wanted to edit it in order to clarify that. -if it's not enough clear now-.


So when I see an user saying:


Good job moderators. Maybe you should piss off the other well known modders


Vagrant answered here.



I don't normally allow myself to get involved in this sort of debate, and will not now. But I just want to reiterate something I have said elsewhere and add a little to it. The moderators on this site seem to me to go so far above and beyond those on any other site I have visited. You keep it user friendly.



The user admits there is a topic/debate but instead of adding something he/she uses it to reiterate how the staff is doing their work.

I agree with your statement about the conversation but this in particular has not any conclusion related with the topic. Just create a topic to give thanks to moderators and we will see that after 40 posts -if the users give thanks to moderators- there will not be any conclusion, only many thanks to moderators.





If you still don't have an answer someone, especially the Nexus Team will help you anytime.


To Granny, Myr and Vagrant....thumbs up and kudos to you.


I read that you are humorous, so understand that this seems to be an advertising of TV.



I agree with your statement about the conversation but this in particular has not any conclusion related with the topic. Just create a topic to give thanks to moderators and we will see that after 40 posts -if the users give thanks to moderators- there will not be any conclusion, only many thanks to moderators.



Not saying that the 2 quotes are not true but I started a topic related with something specific and finally we are talking about: what (?), giving kudos for a general behavior, twisting the meaning of words, misunderstands every post, ....



The post by Eiries is understandable for me. Not sure if myrmaad's irony was related to that, but that post contains statements never written by anyone in the topic.


So as conclusions: staff have received the suggestions, they -or you- have given us a proper answer with reasons, the problem with the user have been clarified.

Any other thing after the posts related with these terms you can see that is confusion, and no conclusions.

So I think I was right. The conversation maintained by the users a few posts earlier had logic, now I have to reconsider it.



Read the entire post and you will understand. I know that the topic have been already discussed -in other terms or related with the image share- but I was trying to give specific suggestions about other point.

Understand is annoying seeing destructive or other posts -not yours in this case when explained- if I'm trying to do the opposite and start a topic with other objective. And I known that the topic would degenerate in this: misunderstands and words without an objective.


Be aware that the intention can not be written and the humor can be understood improperly.



@ Surenas:

If memory serves, it's the first time since some eight years here that a rookie comes along with a slightly provoking "@ to users".

What's that? Have I missed somethin'? If so, tell me, and be patient with me. Thank you.


Choose one of the 3 ways.


Connotation: Users [writing in the topic].

If an user have not read the topic, the user can not read the term.

If an user have not written in the topic, the user can not take the hint.

If an user knows that he/she should not be included in the description given in the paragraph below, the same. (I explicitly refer to users writing in the topic in the description, and not all users, only some of them with a more detailed description)

Not sure why I have to give that explanation to someone who obviously has not written anything yet in the mentioned topic.


Written language doesn't have specific ways to clarify intentions -except icons which I will not use- so a provocative intention can not be read in that phrase unless you make use of the imagination.

In order to solve that, users try to clarify the intention in the phrase by writing it explicitly when an intention is within the phrase.


The time a term has not been used by someone is not enough reason to classify a term as provocative or carrier of other intentions.

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I seriously cannot understand your writing style at all; I assume English is not your mothertongue? I find myself unable to ascertain whether you're asking questions, making statements or just plain arguing. Either way you might want to take a bit of time to make your sentences a bit more comprehensible because I start reading your posts and give up about 3 lines in when I've no clue what it is you've said or tried to say.
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I've chosen a fourth option, dear new member.

- If a new user doesn't comply with the requirements, inter alia the understanding of the own role, he shall go back to the shadows, for nobody here is interested in a tractate on circulating hot air.


tot ziens

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I think Isabelxxx was noting the irrelevancy of many of the posts, be it simply because they were spam or because they did not read the thread enough to realize that their complaining no longer held relevancy to the current purpose of the thread.


That being said, the situation regarding A-TYPE02/SPB has been talked about, and your post here and here states your main suggestions for improving the situation regarding adult content (which pretty much boiled down to more warning messages.)


Both situations have been spoken about, and most recent posts consist of little more than sentence structures lacking substance, and thus relevancy. If this thread still serves a purpose, I am not aware of what it might be.

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And now for something a little closer to the topic of discussion....


Considering that A-Type 2 has pulled his more, shall we say, "risque" mods out of a fear that he would be banned (whether that was a possibility at anytime down th' road or not, I'm not going to speculate), has anyone considered asking him if he would be willing to mark his mods via a mirror link, thus giving him a little breathing room? Or, as would be (from my viewpoint), a saner move, ask him if he has a problem with the mods being put under Care Taker, and thus not being supported -- that way, everyone can have at least a compromise, if not a permanent solution.


As to the matter of the adult content, and more to the point, policing users' perusal of it, look at it from the point of view that the only options Dark0ne and the Nexus staff have to put the kibosh on underage users getting their grubby li'l mitts on all the naughty goodies is to either A) start charging a fee for *anybody* to access any of the sites, B) make an "adult content only" paysite (which ultimately could turn into option A in a big friggin' hurry), or C) {and I cannot believe I'm voicing this thought}, kill the Nexus as a whole.


Let's be honest, here; A-Type's fear is rational, insomuch as he had no interest in exacerbating what he believed to be a weak position on his part. Nonetheless, it's opened up a can of worms that's been a long time in coming -- how to guarantee anyone who shouldn't be looking at the adult side of the Nexus stays in General Audience territory.



Don't kid yourselves, people; this conversation isn't so clear-cut, but that doesn't mean we should be heading for the exits, or making assumptions.

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Except that his mods were never an issue, and would never be an issue. Even if rules regarding mods were changed sometime in the future, mods which were already uploaded before the change would not be affected.


As far as the image share goes, there was actually another option... And that was to just close down that feature entirely. The issue with the image share that led to the change was, quite simply, the extent to which it was being abused. The issues with content which is inappropriate for minors and reducing its usage as being a porn-share service were merely part of that abuse.

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And now for something a little closer to the topic of discussion....


Considering that A-Type 2 has pulled his more, shall we say, "risque" mods out of a fear that he would be banned (whether that was a possibility at anytime down th' road or not, I'm not going to speculate), has anyone considered asking him if he would be willing to mark his mods via a mirror link, thus giving him a little breathing room? Or, as would be (from my viewpoint), a saner move, ask him if he has a problem with the mods being put under Care Taker, and thus not being supported -- that way, everyone can have at least a compromise, if not a permanent solution.


One step ahead of you - I have offered to upload them in his stead. Sort of "I'll risk my neck so you don't have to worry about yours" sort of scenario as I communicated that his pulling the mods was not neccesary (Vagrant jumped in on as well - Moderator = Credible Source on the rules). The man has done too much for other mods to just call it quits on the risque stuff:


He created the body that is the basis of Double Melons and DMRA. :thumbsup:


He has found a way to combine anime/other games into Oblivion (Belt Girl, TG Outfit, Serpent Suit, etc) and have it look awesome. :woot:


Not to bag on anybody (because I'm not like that), but even though we have so many incredible modders here, I have seen quite a few that would be twice as good as they are if they were only half as good as A-Type2 (aka SpeedBuster).

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Before the highly improbable making of Double Coconut Balls any uploading of modifications without permisson by the author is illegal, I fear. Still in 2006 I've erased some of my mods that were hosted unasked and against my will on Russian and Korean warez servers. So, there might be a lot of trouble in the air if you don't consider possible consequencies.



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