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Adult Rating in mods, SPB's mod deletions


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Either way, it won't effect the way the Nexus runs. Leave the site the way it is: it runs fine, and if kids are accessing adult files... it's not your responsibility to do something about it, it's their parents'.


The only problem with this line of thought is that in some countries, doing nothing to prevent the kiddies from accessing adult material can get you into serious trouble.


While I totally agree that it's a problem for parents to resolve with their children, there's no sense in risking legal trouble when an irresponsible parent decides to sue the site rather than discipline their child.

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This site is from the UK therefor the rules of this site have to reflect the laws of the UK. I guess we all have to live with that.


In my country a lot of the rules would be diffrent because the laws are diffrent.

In my country:

- Non sexual nudity isn't seen as adult material. = Nude body replacers would not be adult material.

- Violence is seen as adult material. = All mods that include violence would have a 'For Adults Only!' warning.

- Mods that include nazi symbols are illegal. = WW2 mods would be forbidden.



I think the rules of this site are as good as the laws allow it.


(forgive my bad english)

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Before the highly improbable making of Double Coconut Balls any uploading of modifications without permisson by the author is illegal, I fear. Still in 2006 I've erased some of my mods that were hosted unasked and against my will on Russian and Korean warez servers. So, there might be a lot of trouble in the air if you don't consider possible consequencies.




Okay - retract your claws sweetie, you won't be needing them. :blink:


I only said that I offered to upload them in his stead - not that I was going to (big difference). He has yet to reply to my offer with a yea :thumbsup: or nay :down: - so I am waiting on him to give me the green light.


I'll tell you the same thing I tell people I deal with IRL - In spite of what you may think, I'm not a moron. I know that if I just pop 'em up, I get banned so I'm doing this clean, proper, and on the level.


I'd love to see those removed mods back as as the next person.

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I only said that I offered to upload them in his stead - not that I was going to (big difference). He has yet to reply to my offer with a yea :thumbsup: or nay :down: - so I am waiting on him to give me the green light.


I'll tell you the same thing I tell people I deal with IRL - In spite of what you may think, I'm not a moron. I know that if I just pop 'em up, I get banned so I'm doing this clean, proper, and on the level.


I'd love to see those removed mods back as as the next person.

His mod pages still exist. If anything, he should be able to upload to those existing pages once again. If he uploads them again, I would even be tempted to take personal responsibility in giving the "ok" for these mods should there ever be an issue regarding content. However, conveying this is not within my linguistic ability, and translation software usually fails hard at this kind of statement.

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If one emails numerous times a simple "Please come back", officially or not doesn't matter, and gets no answer... then the maker is heavily pissed off by means of whatever and perhaps even lost forever. So, even though nobody hopes for it, it is possible that you flog a dead horse that is no longer interested. Try it out. Talk to him - not about or past him, for that's probably the biggest mistake ever.



This never happened.-myrmaad

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Either way, it won't effect the way the Nexus runs. Leave the site the way it is: it runs fine, and if kids are accessing adult files... it's not your responsibility to do something about it, it's their parents'.


The only problem with this line of thought is that in some countries, doing nothing to prevent the kiddies from accessing adult material can get you into serious trouble.


While I totally agree that it's a problem for parents to resolve with their children, there's no sense in risking legal trouble when an irresponsible parent decides to sue the site rather than discipline their child.


The laws of other countries pose little threat here. If it did, the internet would have already collapsed in on itself. I don't think anyone is going to try to sue the Nexus for the content it has, and if they did, they probably wouldn't get very far.


I'd continue further, but NukaForZipp summed it up rather nicely.


If one emails numerous times a simple "Please come back", officially or not doesn't matter, and gets no answer... then the maker is heavily pissed off by means of whatever and perhaps even lost forever. So, even though nobody hopes for it, it is possible that you flog a dead horse that is no longer interested. Try it out. Talk to him - not about or past him, for that's probably the biggest mistake ever.


If people are still bothering that poor fellow, I'm gonna cry. Well, probably not, but you get my point. I think by now he knows what's up, and anything he does from here on out is his own decision. *nods*

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Just stop it. These last two posts have gone right off the deep end. Surenas, you obviously don't have a clue about what you're on about. It so happens that one of my dearest friends is not a only a professional translator, but she's Japanese, was born, raised, and currently still lives in Japan though she travels extensively. She helped me tremendously with this situation and I can assure you all, though it's none of your business, Speedbuster is quite clear on the situation. He has been in touch, and he's made the choice he feels comfortable with, and we are all going to respect it.


Furthermore he has uploaded a new original outfit since his return.


Now, I really do not like lies, fearmongering, drama-mongering, pot-stirring or gossip. I don't want to see it again on this thread.

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The laws of other countries pose little threat here. If it did, the internet would have already collapsed in on itself. I don't think anyone is going to try to sue the Nexus for the content it has, and if they did, they probably wouldn't get very far.


The laws of countries where the file servers are located do pose issue though. Not the laws in countries where folks are actually living. So far as I'm aware, Nexus has download servers in the US and the UK. So there are legal concerns to consider in both countries. That's what I was getting at.

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Just stop it. These last two posts have gone right off the deep end. Surenas, you obviously don't have a clue about what you're on about. It so happens that one of my dearest friends is not a only a professional translator, but she's Japanese, was born, raised, and currently still lives in Japan though she travels extensively. She helped me tremendously with this situation and I can assure you all, though it's none of your business, Speedbuster is quite clear on the situation. He has been in touch, and he's made the choice he feels comfortable with, and we are all going to respect it.


Furthermore he has uploaded a new original outfit since his return.


Now, I really do not like lies, fearmongering, drama-mongering, pot-stirring or gossip. I don't want to see it again on this thread.


I think Surenas was simply remarking about the (hypothetical, since I don't really know) PMs he's been getting from users here, and how they can quickly become a nuisance. I don't think she meant too much more than that. But maybe I'm wrong. That's what I got out of it.


To be honest, there's a few people waving their arms around in confusion here, and I'm pretty sure SPB's probably pretty chill with his decision and has already considered the situation said and done. But this thread keeps dragging for some reason... I dunno.


Guess I'm not helping too much. *stops dragging the thread, drops it on the ground*



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