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OOO working but not really


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OK guys i really need help here, OOO installation is driving me insane.


Ok well i installed OOO but whatever version I installed clearly was not the full version as it did not have an esm file. But none the less after playing a while an making it to the kvatch gate and seeing those demon wolves and atronachs at level 1 i pretty much assumed that i got OOO to work, at least the most important part, Because with my first character, one i didnt play for very long, i only got low level imps at the kvatch gate. But now that i have instaled a whole horde of new mods and leveled my character to 37 i decided to start another one, after doing so and going to kvatch i again encountered nothing but low level imps and in general everything in the world seemed easy to kill.


So now i freaked out realizing OOO was not working, i figured a fresh proper install was in order. So i reinstalled oblivion and tried to figure out how to install OOO properly. I found a guide on this forum but it was more confusing then anything telling me to download all sorts of unrelated mods with no explanation. But it was useful in that i cleared up which versions i need to install. So i downloaded OOO 1.33 complete, and OOO 1.34 beta 5 patch. As to not complicate matters with omod conversion data, i simply did a standard manual install of the full version following the instructions, then applied the patch.


Then i proceeded to install all of my other mods and started a new game. Well everything seemed fine no crashes smooth running. The soul gems inventory icon looked different so right away i figured that OOO was working, then in the imperial city i saw the imperial notice by the gate which i understand is from OOO. But when i was fighting enemies it seemed they were to easy, so i checked their level through the console, and as it turns out they were all level 1 or 2. I can find nothing except imps bandits wolves and goblins all level 1 or 2.


So as you can imagine im really baffled, it would seem OOO is working yet the level system is not. Of course im thinking it may be a mod conflict but i cant think of any mods i have that would conflict with OOO most are quest mods or minor changes such as horse or arrow speed. The only mod i wold think could conflict with OOO is Adrenaline Oblivion, but it should not as that author of the mod even recommends that you use OOO with his mod.


Anyway i will be starting a new character with Adrenaline disabled tomorrow to see if that will help, but im hoping to avoid doing that for all my mods as it would take ages. So any advice on what mods could conflict with OOO or how i could have messed up the installation would be appreciated.

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When you are trying to troubleshoot the installation of a mod it would be better if you didn't install "all your other mods" right away. First things first; make sure OOO is working properly, then move on from there...


While OOO does make things much more difficult, it does, in fact, attempt not to overwhelm you with enemies you can't possibly defeat; if you are level 1 then don't expect to always see big bad guys; you will also see stuff that matches your level.


However, if if fact the Leveled stuff is not working properly, then that is almost certainly caused by one of your other mods conflicting. With Oblivion, whichever mod touches something Last wins. Therefore, OOO could change the leveled lists, then another mod come right behind and change it again.


To really see what is going on you would need to post your load order.


If you don't know how to do that, the following is a guide from Bben:



How to post a Load order list article:


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Thank you for the reply, i know i should have just done OOO before any other mods but at the time i really thought there would not be issues and was eager to finish the installation. However i did make a copy of my oblivion folder just prior to installing any mods so i will try to install only OOO and see if it works later.


In the mean time here is my load order







Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp


Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp

Living Economy.esp

Living Economy - Items.esp






Armory of the Silver Dragon.esp




Thieves Arsenal.esp

Rope Ladders v1.esp

Mage Equipment.esp

Dude Wheres My Horse.esp








Servant of the Dawn.esp

Window Entrances 1.0.esp


The Lost Spires.esp



SM Essential Kills.esp








Stealth Entrances v1.esp


Stylish Jump.esp




Unlimited Rings 2.0 -auto.esp



Morrowind Lockpicking.esp



IHNW - Vanilla.esp

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