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Is LOOT worth using over BOSS for oblivion?


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there are only 6 unrecognized plugins in my 204 plugin long load order for BOSS, and LOOT places better cities much higher in the load order where BOSS places them at the bottom. this has actually caused a problem for me as since loot places better cities much higher, there are some landscape issues like in the market district, some ground is too low and i see a note that tells me so (very clever, only visible if the land is low enough to reveal it when it shouldnt be that low i.e. another mod editing that.) it has made me wonder if i should try to figure out LOOT's userlist system to make it put better cities lower, or just use BOSS like i have in the past with oblivion. I understand what LOOT is and does and have used it for skyrim but i'm curious if its even worth it or even unsuggested for oblivion.

Edited by YngvieMalmsteen
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I've only recently started using BOSS and have never even laid eyes on LOOT but here's my take on it.


Using BOSS the only mods you'll need to set up User Rules for are either very obscure older mods or fairly recent new mods, as it's been continuously updated through all but the most recent period in Oblivion's history. Now LOOT on the other hand would need to "learn" all of those tricks that BOSS knows about all of those older mods as well as stay up to date with the newer releases in Oblivion. Or you'd need to sort with BOSS, take note of where certain mods are in relation to others and then switch back to LOOT and recreate the BOSS order using LOOT User Rules where necessary.


Ya in a perfect world you have "One ring to rule them all" but perfect worlds never live up to expectations. Use LOOT for Skyrim and later releases, BOSS for Oblivion.

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