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High Elf Robe



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  1. 1. Favortite Warhammer Fantasy species?

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PLEASE: Post something if you read this. Say you like it; say you don't (But don't troll). Say you'll help, say you wish you could. I don't care, I just don't want this thread to be swamped bvy fifty request for "Dis kewl sword from an anime I saw and dunt have no good pictures fer", etc.




Now, I usually request childishly easy little retextures, providing the textures themselves and everything, but this one is a bit more of a challenge. Not a lot, sure, but a bit of one.


So, I was surfing some nifty robes, and I found this very fascinating robe from WAR: http://fc09.devianta...ge_by_YeeWu.jpg


I figure a lot of this could be made with vanilla robe bits and a little bit of new modelling, but it shouldn't be too hard at all.


It's perfect for Elven and Good wizard characters; and, unlike many outfits on the NExus, is something you could wear in public without violating public indecency laws.


Anyway, post if you have something to say!

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Looks nice, simple, but nice. I'd use it for my spellcasters... if I had any currently...


Also in general decency laws pretty much say cover your privates and your good. A lot of countries require women to cover the nipples.

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@Uberman: Man, you should try using spellcasters. Especially if you ever try scripting yourself; makes spells more fun.


An, oh, I forgot! Why didn't you remind me to specify body type?


UFF, or HGEC c-cup LL bottom, whichever the modder prefers.

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Heheh, he knew I'd post here before I even did. Psychic FTW!


You could probably make that robe with a minimum of modeling, except for seperating out the robe sleeves into an undervest.


You're right though, I don't have any spellcasters. Actually come to think of it, my army of Khorne doesn't even have a single ranged attack unless the giant pulls a funny one.

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Kieran.. want to faint?

Scream like a little girl? No?

Aah, to bad, I am still gonna tell you the reason


I learned to model, and me & alonsomartinez are doing a compilation of WAR weapons :P

Thought you might wanted to know...

There's gonna be an average of 16, and maybe (probably) armor too =3

If noone takes this up (ub3rman) Ill take a look

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Well Kieran Are you ready to faint ?

Scream like a Razac ? No ?

Well too bad ill still tell you


Anne learned how to model and me and her are doing a war compilation

Thought you might want to know ...

There is gonna be an average of 16 and maybe (probably) some armor too =$

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@Uberman: Whoops... my bad. Blame the drugs; I had some Tylonal PM last night, and I was still groggy. Cool army, though.


@Alonso and Today: I have died of the awesome pairing. You two... WILL RULE THE WORLD!


Just remember, back up your work, on computer and on sites like rapidshare.... and then back up the backups. Do not lose them fings.


Actually, I might just have a fairly easy idea for a Commisarial coat for your Warhammer thing. Been reading the Caiphas Cain novels...

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