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  loveme4whoiam said:
God Daaamn! That is gorgeous! That's not a PR pic for EVE is it, I don't recognise the ships. But yeah, following suit with MotS, that is sheer beauty.


Fan-made art, actually. The big ships are Amarr Titans. You might recognize the battleships if you look closely... that's what the small things swarming around it are!

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:ohmy: Those are Titans? :ohmy: Mother of Jebus, why did I ever leave that game??? Holy hellfire... there are not words. There just are not words. Don't blame you for having that as your desktop. Now, where the hell's my debit card?!
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  Peregrine said:
Fan-made art, actually. The big ships are Amarr Titans. You might recognize the battleships if you look closely... that's what the small things swarming around it are!


I remember looking up at the Amarr Apocalypse class ships with Awe once...but they're so tiny compared to that Titan!

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