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JBTextures issue.


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I was originally unable to open the rar of Part 1, however I was able to correct this by extracting both other rars from part 2 and part 3 into the same folder.

I was then able to successfully open the override folder of part 1.

However, now I am unable to extract the files from the rars of both part 2 and part 3.

Any attempt to try results in a 7-Zip Diagnostic Message which states: Data error in 'HDtextures_ver21.exe.' File is broken.


I am able to successfully extract all files from the patches without any problems.


Any help would be appreciated.


(Yes this is essentially a copy of what I made in other threads, but those apparently got buried since they were both located in the discussion tab on DAO nexus, which means they get swamped by the endorsements right quick and I don't want to endlessly bump a thread in that area to answer this sort of question.)

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Extract part one, two or three, forget about the other two. As long as they are in the same folder when you extract, you should be good to go. If you get an error, one or more of the rars was corrupted on download and you should re-download. If it is a single file that the program claims is broken sometimes you can get by that by just clicking out of it. WinRar will let you do that, if the file stays, it's good - if it disappears than it is a problem with one of the downloaded rars.
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Extract part one, two or three, forget about the other two. As long as they are in the same folder when you extract, you should be good to go.

So as long as they're all in the same folder, even if two of them are RARs they can still be read?

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Sorry, my mistake. Many people break the zips/rars up into separate parts and only one is needs to be extracted to get all of them extracted. I took a closer look at the file and you need to extract each one and install each one.


Edit: From the readme:

Sometimes Nexus server break downloaded. Just make sure the file size is the same with file in download section or look here: PART1 - 250MB, PART2 - 250MB, PART3 - 232MB, 4096_terrain - 205MB , JBtex_patch - 44MB


So check the file sizes against those and if one or more is off, there is your problem.

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I deleted and re-downloaded just to be safe, all file sizes are what they should be, although I don't have any sort of terrain or something called JBtex_patch.

Maybe they're from an older ver?


Same story still, part 1 rar can be extracted just fine, but 7-zip insists the other two are broken. Trying to open them gets that message, and will still pull out an exe, but it's an incomplete one, windows says it's not a valid win 32 application.

Tried extracting the other two before the 1st one, but that didn't help. Also tried opening them in a different folder to no effect.

Not sure what other steps to take.

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You have to rename them to conform with multi rar standards (why they aren't already like that I don't know).


Rename them to:
















Then right click the first one and "extract to here" in the WinRAR/7zip dialogue.

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They should all unzip together. You only need to unrar the first one and it should pick up the rest as linked to the first one. The output file should be HD_textures_ver21.exe


Don't try to extract the others, just the first ;)


The HD_textures_ver21.exe file should be about 742,688 KB

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That's close enough ;)


The exe file that is created is actually a 7zip file that's been turned into an exe file for ease of use. However Nexus has a file size max of 250MB so it had to be split up again. The rar's are actually a split archive hence the need to unrar in a slightly special way.

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