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Be glad of that Thor.


Having now installed the game and been banned from even getting past the start screen for several days while my acount information is "processed" Im () this close to simply sending the game back to the store and asking for a refund.


The "customer service" and shear volume of paperwork they demand you to fill in simply offends me. When playing Dawn Of War II, so far simply a better game than this, it took me 23 seconds to create a new account and log in, gaining full priveliges and lifetime online acess.


Here, its been two days and I've only been treated with contempt. The registration process demands an excessive amount of information, including full personal details, adress, DOB, nationality, language, and more. After you've sat through that hour of paperwork, if, like me you dont live in new york, you'll be expected to then call customer service and ask them to actualy the the friggin map and rec ognise your home town. So far I still havent been able to convince them that australia has cities other than sydney, and I doubt I ever will.


Even if I ever do get through this, and considering the shear incompetance of the customer"service" team, I doubt I'd ever bother actualy playing the game. Right now I just want actualy get this registered simply to show the moron on the telephone I've got a brain that actualy functions.

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Hey there is a way around that, give them fake info.


though if they ask for the key, do you enter it online?????, do they ask for it???, Is there a key????


Note i pre Ordered the deluxe version that comes with the original mafia.


News article


2K Games is cramming a lot of goodies into the Deluxe Digital Edition of Mafia II. Pre-ordering will also not only net you the game, you also get the original Mafia.


The pre-order bonus, which goes for both the DDE and the vanilla Mafia II is being offered through select digital retailers, including Steam. You get to play the original Mafia as soon as you pre-order. Both the DDE and the vanilla versions also come packed with Steamworks, the second since Civilization V.


"Using Steamworks to power Mafia II has been a great benefit for 2K Games and our development team," said Christoph Hartmann, president of 2K. "It's meant that we can spend more time creating content and a great experience for our customers because we know that Steam and Steamworks are enabling these important features within the game."


Here's what you'll get in the DDE:


* Made Man Pack: Free access to in-game downloadable pack that lets you get behind the wheel of two different luxury automobiles. In addition, Vito will look the part with two new “made man” suits, including a vintage tux.

* Digital Art Book: Players get to know Empire Bay with a photo album-style Digital Art Book that takes fans through the artistic design process of the game.

* Orchestral Soundtrack: Immerse yourself in a symphonic masterpiece with the Mafia II score recorded by the Prague FILMHarmonic Orchestra.

* Digital Map of Empire Bay: Get familiar with the neighborhoods and own the streets with the Digital Map depicting the 10 square miles of Empire Bay and all the hangout spots.

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Its not Mafia Im having trouble with, I dont have it nore do I intend to get it-though I hear its a fine game in many ways. Its freakin StarCraft.


I payed good money, for gods sake why is that no longer enough. They seem to demand every bit of personal information possible that they can legaly get away with asking for-I used to hate that about EA back when i started with Burnout PC games, but they just want age name and email adress, actiblizzard wanted age, name, DOB, nation, phone numbers(home and work), email adresses, your families' email adresses. your exact adress, your banking info and probably a lot more, but I was barred from getting more than halfway through the process because it didnt beleive me when I said I lived in melbourne, australia, claiming no such place existed.


Im sure it must have something going for it, but this is simply unnacceptable. If you want to datamine, datamine someone else. If you're so paranoid about pirates that you ask someone for every possible detail, go make something for the bloody xbox, instead of wasting my time with games so full of antipiracy protection and datamining that even honest users who, like me, have never gone near piracy,from even plaing the game we paid good money for.

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Ugh. Sorry to hear that from you Vin. Honestly I don't even care for Activision anymore, all this "proof" of identity is just one step closer for a hacker to collect the info and commit identity theft. Even with all their protection, it will eventually get hacked. Giving fake info like Thor said is better than giving real info. I can honestly bet that with IW senior staff leaving and the whole ruckus with giving real names is just the step closer to their fall. I bet in ten years time, Activision will be liquidated and Ubisoft and EA will be the remaining super giants of the gaming industry.
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I find that the reason blizzard and activision are doing this is because you battle.net account will be used for any new blizzard games such as diablo III ,warcraft. and starcraft. it seems miles simpler once you have it set up. since i have beeen playing WoW for over a year i already had my account set up so it wasn't a problem for me, but sorry to hear its giving you such hassle.
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Its mostly just because of actibliz customer care: They're dumber than mcdonald's attendants and twice as underage.


They also couldnt be convinced, coerced, or earbashed into beleiving in the existance of countries outside of america. So Im still unable to access the game, even after trying both my real data and some false data cooked up on the fly for the most "joe ordinary" I could pull together off public statistics.

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Its mostly just because of actibliz customer care: They're dumber than mcdonald's attendants and twice as underage.


You just summed up Activision for me.


Have a cookie :biggrin:



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What the heck happened to just giving them your fricking e-mail address? Remember Diablo II? CD key, e-mail address, there's your account....wow...so sorry :( Yes, have some cookies :D That's just crazy...
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Well, its still like that with windows live and EA online, but for some reason actibliz seems to feel compelled to wring every last bit of info out of its customer as is legaly possible.


It doesnt strike me as datamining since it doesnt really give anything they could use other than where their customers are from. Rather, I think its intimidation, they have all your lega info, so you can be prosecuted to the maximum extent posible at their disgression for any perceived violations of law or rule.


Ofcourse, stupidity has something to do with it aswell. The bigger they are, the punier their brain is, just take steam for example, perma-banning 17,000 people from call of duty MW for cheating, only to discover that it was because they hadnt programmed the bloody cheat detector properly.

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