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The Currently Reading Thread .........


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Actually something rather important. There will be an accreditation of my study and I offered to help.

I need to read the management review and all info about the study in general.

If the accreditation-committee thinks it's going too bad, the study will be wiped from the face of the earth.

(Of course any students that are following it now will be able to continue, but there will be no new firs-years)

Most annoyingly is that it is a kind of boring as there is a lot that's said like 10 times..

That makes me feel awful as my judgment and knowledge about this thing will have a great impact on the outcome.


Now if you excuse me, I have something to read ;).

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I just started reading The Mortal Instruments Series by Cassandra Clare. It's three books right now, and I'm about halfway through the first one, City of Bones


I was also required to read 2 books for summer reading, namely Eats, Shoots and Leaves by Lynne Truss, and The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran. The latter is only about...60-80 pages long (idk, i read it online) but took me a good 2 weeks to get through. You can only read so much 19th century biblical-sounding stuff before your mind turns to mush.


Then again, since I picked up Oblivion, I haven't really been reading much except for the mod descriptions and forum threads. :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

The scret history of the world by Jonathan Black. It's about secret cults that existed and exist in human history. It's a great book, becouse it offers you other perspectives of how to analize things.


Here's a link if interested: http://www.grahamhancock.com/forum/BlackJ1.php





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Shadows Edge


It is the 2nd book in the Night Angel Trilogy by Brent Weeks. I had never heard of him before but was looking for a new book to read having just finished re-reading (after a few years) nine of the books from the Dragonlance series, and All the books containing the Dark Elf Drizzt Do' Urdon (who I think is considered the most popular fantasy character of all time)

Anyway about the Shadows Edge book, it has taken me a bit to get into it but it got me to read the first one and halfway through the second. One of the problems I had was in breaking with tradition for example, they call their assassins "wetboys" saying that they are better than assassins and blah blah... well I did not like the word wetboy as it just does not sound like it meant death and really isnt being an assassin about being death? Imagine if they called the US Special Forces Special Princesses? I will tell you what would happen, one of two things, either nobody would fear them or every time someone said the word princess people would wet themselves.

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