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The Currently Reading Thread .........


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Technology is a great thing I suppose, but I'll stick to a good ol' fashioned book, thanks....presently reading 'Dragon Riders of Pern'. :tongue:


Of course, I love the physical book a thousand times more than an e-book. But I can't carry a library around with me, so E-Readers are convenient.

Oh my god! We have really similar names :tongue: Yay for hating footwear! :tongue:




Requiem for a Dream


I can honestly say: I liked the movie just as much. I recommend both the movie and the book.




The Lies of Locke Lamora - Scott Lynch

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Currently reading Micheal Jackson's autobiography, by Micheal obviously.




Requiem for a Dream


I can honestly say: I liked the movie just as much. I recommend both the movie and the book.


@ BareFootScholar, You've got taste! :)

Requiem for a Dream is 'of course' one of the best novels you will ever read. The movie as well, is perfect. I could watch it again, and again and again forever. I never get tired of it.

It's pretty obivous though, everyone should love it C:

Edited by Rickky
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@ BareFootScholar, You've got taste! :)

Requiem for a Dream is 'of course' one of the best novels you will ever read. The movie as well, is perfect. I could watch it again, and again and again forever. I never get tired of it.

It's pretty obivous though, everyone should love it C:


Why thank you. :tongue: It is a very good book.




Lies of Locke Lamora


Highly recommend it. It is written fairly well, and the story is thoroughly entertaining.


Starting/ Attempting to Continue:


Ulysses - James Joyce


I've already had a taste of this, and it was difficult to actively read. But I swear to myself that I will finish thi sbook with a firm grasp pf its significance. I have this nagging fear that I will be in this passive spiral until I finish the book...

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  • 3 weeks later...





OK. Finally, I have found my way to the back cover. After reading many pages many times over, and looking up words in my dictionary only to find that the particular word is too archaic for modern dictionaries; I have read from cover to cover whilst keeping a firm grasp on the book's scenarios.

O, twas grueling. *mentally exhausted*

I learned many a word I know I will never, ever, use. Although I'm afraid I only studied the very surface. The many hundreds of allusions and intellectual messages went just over my head - albeit, I felt the wind of their passing. I feel I must go purchase the annotated edition of this brilliant tome to fully comprehend and appreciate its genius.




The Hunger Games


I don't expect to like it. But it is good to read things you don't like as well.

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Currently reading; The Mafia: The First 100 Years.

It's non-fiction, and I've always been slightly interested in mafiosos after watching the godfather. It's pretty good so far :)

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I have the H.P. LOVECRAFT Complete Fiction book. I'm currently reading The Shadow Over Innsmouth. :thumbsup:
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