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I am currently reading one of my favorite books Man Search For Meaning by Dr Victor Franks. This book is the has river of emotions in it and it will definitely affect your emotional intelligence. How to survive in life is the main theme of this book. Positivity, spirituality, empathy and emotional intelligence coaching are some key points to get successful in life. Do read this book.

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I just finished reading Rendezvous with Rama by Arthur C. Clark. One of my dad's countless old books he recommended I read. Never read anything else by him, but the book was very good. A sci-fi about these guys who search an alien ship drifting through space. I loved the author's use of real physics terms in this ship that uses centrifical force as gravity, makes it more believeable. A very good read.

Currently rereading the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. The first time I read the series I got halfway through the third book Life the Universe, and Everything. Then I stopped for reasons I cannot remember. I love this book. Is is the funniest book I have ever read, period. Thinking of putting a joke from it into my sig too, something short and sweet.

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Soul Catcher by Frank Herbert


I was surprised that information in this work actually adhered to edible things I have eaten which I didn't know were good food. Surviving in Washington state isn't difficult now-a-days, there are nearby cities, towns, and roadside convenience stores these days. I had experienced some of the items talked about. I didn't believe they were actually good tasting and good food. I surfed the Internet, looking in a survivors guides handbook to find out if what I read was true.


I was squeamish when it came to eating ants, and grubs though. I thought about eating grubs though if I were in a situation that demanded I find food, but only because they could be cooked and were like puffed cereal.


Blades of grass which are described I did eat, just the way they were described. The way to take the grass and chew it. I managed to figure that out just from being sat on the ground near some of the tall grass during an outing in Glacier National Park. I was very little and didn't see much sense about anything except as something I could eat. I believe someone called what we did when we were beginning crawling, sitting up, and learned to walk as babies, the Lick test.


I was fed regularly so it wasn't likely I was giving any items much more then an occasional lick test before I was fed. I suspect Mom would have noticed when I did that and made sure I got some of what she had to offer. When we were camping I probably got some oatmeal cereal with a little warm milk and maple sugar to sweeten it.


The book has some detailed stuff that would make a person of the woods feel right at home reading about.

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