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The Currently Reading Thread .........


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My English teacher is forcing us to read The Joy Luck Club. It's terrible! It has good morals, but it is absolutely boring...please, for your sakes, don't read it unless you have to.


@ spectre:

hmmmm maybe i'll check it out at my school library when i get the chance

It's hard to tell, but from your use of "it," it sounds like you're calling Lovecraft a book. Just so you know, he's an author. By saying, "You should read Lovecraft," I ment: You should read Lovecraft's books.

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Only one of Lovecraft's works I have is "The Color Out of Space", that being found in Omnibus of Science Fiction


I recently learned that a rather amusing book I picked up a while back by the title of Title Deleted for Security Reasons is connected in a roundabout way to the Elder Scrolls.

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i'm currently reading stormrider by david gemmel then i'v got the first 2 books in a series about Drizzt Do'urden by R.A Salvatore.

I'll read just about anything written by terry practchett (he rules!) and by david gemmell.

in my oppinion practhett and gemmell are the best authers of all time, (shame gemmel died last year *sigh*)


my fav books from practchett are any one written about the watch

and my fav written by gemmell are ravenheart and all the ones about Druss the legend.

i recomend any one who likes reading to read gemmell, he is the king of fantasy and his stories are so gripping and it can be hard to put the book down, i recomend reading ravenheart and the druss books. :D

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Shame on you! Tolkien is the King of Fantasy!

Shame on you! Tolkien is no king. He is GOD!

You are both wrong! Tokien it the King of Gods!


@ thejake1453: I almost got mad at you. I though you said Terry Brooks. Then i realised you said Terry Practchett.


You should have seen what Brooks did to LotR...well, actually not. It would make you cry...

In short, Brooks claims the he is the originator of fantasy and Tolkien copied him...Brooks needs to die...

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oh yeah what i meant to say is gemmell is the king of heroic fantasy, theres a difference, and you can't say tolkien is 'cos you already said he is the god of normal fantasy.

sorry but i just don't like tolkien much (please dont kill me) i prefer gemmell and if its not gemmell its practchett and if not him, stan nicchols or conn iggulden, i'm just not that big a fan of LOTR, simple. :unsure:

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oh yeah what i meant to say is gemmell is the king of heroic fantasy, theres a difference, and you can't say tolkien is 'cos you already said he is the god of normal fantasy.

sorry but i just don't like tolkien much (please dont kill me) i prefer gemmell and if its not gemmell its practchett and if not him, stan nicchols or conn iggulden, i'm just not that big a fan of LOTR, simple. :unsure:

Tolkien did more than LotR. There is Farmer Giles of Ham, Leaf by Niggle, The Lay of Aotrou, and Itroun, Tree and Leaf, The Road Goes Ever On, Smith of Wootton Major, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, and many moer wich have nothing to do with the LotR Universe. Don't be so narrow minded.

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Recently finished 1,000 Days in Siberia by Iwao Peter Sano.


Just starting Powderburns: Cocaine, Contras, and the Drug War by Celerino Castillo III.


Had to read With the Old Breed at Peleliu and Okinawa by E.B. Sledge for a class. I recommend this if you are into WWII.

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